INTRODUCTION Genus Sparuta. A well-defined form, comprising about six species, one being found in Australia, another in New Zealand others in Chili, and the rest in the northern hemisphere of both the Old and New Worlds. 331. SpaTULA CLYPEATA : ; : : : ; : VoleVe BE Xie SHovELLER Duck. Frequent in summer, sometimes breeds, Genus Anas. The Wild Duck, which is the type of this genus, is generally diffused over Asia, Africa, and North America. 332. ANAS BOSCHAS : : : : : : : : : : Volk Ve BI Ny. Mauuarp or Witp Duck. Resident and breeds everywhere. The supposed parent of all our domestic breeds of Ducks. Genus QuEerQuEDULA. A genus formed for the Teal and Garganey and some allied species in other parts of the world. 333. QUERQUEDULA CRECCA Vol. V. Pl. XVI. TEAL. Common, resident ; breeds everywhere. 334, QUERQUEDULA CIRCIA . : : : : : : : Voll ve BI Xvi GARGANEY. A spring and autumn migrant, occasionally remaining in the summer to breed. Genus Dariua. Formed for the reception of our well-known Pin-tailed and two or three South-American species of elegantly formed Ducks. 335. Daria acura : ‘ : 5 : Vol: Vi RIE XV IEE Pin-rartep Duck. A winter visitant, arriving in sufficient numbers to be regarded as common.