IN BORD UC 1 OGN CXXIV Bill deep reddish flesh-colour, with a tolerably well-developed knob and broad triangular space between the bill and the eye. Breadth of the black space, including the part behind the knob, 2 inches. Eye dark brown. Feet olive-grey, even to the joints ; interdigital membranes darker. Length of true tarsi 4% inches ; bare space above the joint 12 inch ; middle toe and nail 64 inches ; breadth of the foot 62 inches. Having disposed of the Geese and Swans, we naturally turn to the true grass-feeding Ducks, after which will be noticed those species which almost exclusively feed under the surface of the water—the Fuligulinee &c. Subfamily ANATIN ©. Genus Taporna. An Old-World group of five or six species. Vol. V. EE xe 327. TADORNA VULPANSER : . 2 : : : : i : : : SHELDRAKE. A stationary species, breeding in the holes of warrens and sandy wastes by the sea-side. Genus Casarca. 328. CasARCA RUTILA.. ; : : : : . : : : Vol. V. Pl. XII. Ruppy SHELDRAKE. An occasional and very rare visitant. Among other places, builds in rocks on the borders of the Mediterranean. Genus Mareca. A genus of which our common Widgeon is the type, and of which an allied species is found in North America and another in Chili. 329, Mareca PENELOPE : : ; : : : : ; Vol. V. Pl Xan WipGeEon. A migrant which is plentiful in winter, and sometimes, but not very regularly, stays to breed in England and Scotland. 330. Mareca AMERICANA. American Widgeon. An occasional visitant to England. It is not figured.