cylil IN TROD U CLT ON : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. XXXVI. 255. SQUATAROLA HELVETICA . : : . Grey Piover (winter plumage and young). Genus Cuaraprius. The well-known Golden Plover of England may be regarded as the type of this genus as now restricted, About five species are known, all characterized by the flavour of their flesh and the great seasonal changes to which they are subject in summer and winter, and which have induced me to give two Plates illustrative of them. One or other of the five species inhabit most parts of the entire globe, but are more abundant in the Old than in the New World. ae i 7 ; 256. CHARADRIUS PLUVIALIS Vol. IV. Pl. XXXVIII. Gotpen Prover (in summer plumage). A resident species. 257. CHARADRIUS PLUVIALIS . : : : E : . ; ; : Vol. IV. Pl. XXXIX. GoxpEn Puover (in winter plumage) Genus A.GIALopuiuus. A genus formed for the Kentish Plover and other allied species. 258, JEGIALOPHILUS CANTIANUS : : : é . : ; ; ; : Vol. IV. Exe Kentisu Prover. A spring and summer resident, coming here to breed in May. Common on the south coast. Genus Matauirts, Of these little Plovers (or Ringed Dotterels, as they are more commonly called) numerous species are spread over both the Old and the New World, Two are found in Britain—one of which is stationary, the other an accidental visitor. D5 ( 4 ATS 1 r y 209. ANGIALITIS HIATICULA . : : : ; : : : ; : Vol. WV. EE ae Rincep Prover. A resident Species, abundant in most parts of the three kingdoms. 260. Meiauitis minor : : : 5 : . . Vol. TV. PE XG Lirrte Ringep PLover. An occasional visitant, the native Country of which is Eastern Europe, Africa, and India.