Pek © DW Ci FON. Genus EcropisTEs. 218. EcropisTES MIGRATORIUS. Migratory Pigeon. A native of North America: three or four instances of its occurrence in England and Scotland are on record. Not figured. Family TETRAONID. The Grouse (the trivial name for the members of this family) are among the most important of edible birds. They exist in very circumscribed limits, namely the northern portions of the Old and New Worlds. Those which frequent Britain are the magnificent Capercailzie, the Blackcock, the Red Grouse, and the Ptarmigan. Neither the Capercailzie nor the Blackcock is found in America; but that country is inhabited by species equally fine which are not found elsewhere. Genus TErrao. 219. TeTRAO UROGALLUS . : : ae. ; : : ‘ : E : Vol. TV-RE we CaPERCAILZIE or Cock OF THE WOOD. Breeds in Scotland in abundance. 220. Trerrao TETRIX : . : a : : : : : ‘ : : Vol. 1V- BE VE BLAcKcock. A stationary and breeding species in the three kingdoms. Genus Lagorus. lhe well-known Red Grouse of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland may be regarded as the type of the present genus. 221. Lacoprus scoticus . : : : : : : : ; Vol. IV. Pl. VII. Rep Grouse. Inhabits England, Scotland, and Ireland, but not south of Wales. 222. Lacopus mutrus Vol. TV. PL Vie PTARMIGAN. Stationary. 223. Lacorus mutus : Vol. IV. Pl. IX. J, ; PraRMIGAN (summer plumage).