IN RO DUCT ON: Genus Loxts. Vol- I> Pirsxanve 175. Loxra CURVIROSTRA Common CrossBILL. in Scotland, where it sometimes breeds. A pretty regular visitor, if not a stationary species, Vol. TL Bipxine 176. Loxta PITYOPSITTACUS Parrot CrossBILL. Has occurred many times in Britain, and may have remained and bred; but if so, no authentic instances of such au occurrence are on record. Vol. IIL BE xXiayie 177. Loxta BIFASCIATA W HITE-WINGED CROSSBILL. Hab. Northern Europe and Asia. Manv instances are on record of this bird having been killed in the central portion of Europe ; and it has frequently occurred in England, and twice in Ireland. 178. LoxtA LEUCOPTERA . : : : : : : ; : : ; Vol. ILL PL Xana American Wuire-wiInGeD CrossBILL. Inhabits North America, and is of rare occurrence in England. Besides the specimen alluded to in wy account of the species as having been found on the shore at Exmouth, Mr. Harting mentions other instances of its appearance in England, and Mr. Gray one near Jedbargh in Scotland. Genus Linora. Lhe generic term Linota, proposed by Bonaparte, and that of Zinaria, by Bechstein, appear to have been both applied to this small group of Fringilline birds, the members of which are principally, if not solely, confined to the northern parts of Europe and Asia. 179. Linora caNNaBINA : : ; ; Vol. Il. Pl. XLIX LINNET. Resident in < ee eee ae ce oe : sident in and very generally distributed ove Britain ; partially migrates south on the approach of winter. 180. Linora montium : ; ; : : Volo I Elen Pwrre or Mountain-Liyyer. A winter visit Sols eee eee aii isitant to England, remaiuing to breed in its northern counties, and also in Scotland. Phompson states that it is resident from the north to the south of Ireland.