INT RO DU Cal LO ixoxexe . . , . ‘ Vol. III. Pl, 153. EmBerizA RUSTICA > : : : 3 : ‘ L. XXIV, Rustic BuntTING. The native habitat of this bird is the eastern part of Europe and the neighbouring countries. Has been killed near Brighton, for the particulars of which circumstance see ‘The Ibis’ for 1869, p. 128, and the \ c 5 > letterpress facing the figure in the present work. 154, EmMBeriza PUSILLA : : . . : . . , ; ; : Vol. TIT. Pl. XXY, Dwarr Bunting. Inhabits Northern and Eastern Europe, Siberia, China, and the Himalaya Mountains. Has been once killed in England, ede * Ibis,’ 1865, p. 113, and the account opposite the present Plate. Genus CrirHopHaca. 155. CrirHoPHAGA MILIARIA : : . : Vol. TI, BEsxexwae Common Buntine. A truly British species, which is also found in Central and Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and Persia. Breeds in our three kingdoms ; is solitary in its habits, being generally seen sitting alone on the topmost twig of ahedge-row. The sole representative of its genus, or genera ; for it has had no less than five generic terms applied to it—Emberiza, Spinus, Cynchremus, Miliaria, and Crithophaga. Genus Guycispina. Comprising about six or seven species inhabiting Europe, Asia, and Africa. 156. Guycispina HORTULANA : : : ; Vol. III. Pl. XXVII. Orroian Bunting. wnicdemhich@rances corse tac. : hich ranges very extensively over Europe, being common from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Dovrefjeld in Norway: : Oy . : ‘ ovrefjeld in Nory ay; in the latter Country it breeds in abundance. It is but an accidental visitor to England, has once only, I believe, been killed in Scotland, and never in Ireland Genus Eusprza. 107. Evuspiza MELANOCEPHALA : : : ; Vol. TIT. Pl. XXVIII. Buack-HEADED Bunting. Common in Easter i rn Europe, Persia and Wester : r . : pe, » and Western India. The male is a beautiful showy bird, the female