1 NR © D0 Ct BORNE Ixxvl Family ANTHID/. Pirrrs. We have here a group of birds which are more generally spread than the Wagtails, inasmuch as they are diffused over both divisions of the globe, but which are far less numerous in the older portion than the new, ee on divi and subdivided into many genera; those fr i Like most other large groups they have been divided and s ae 4 : ae . ze a J as a ’ a 8 s - 7 . © England I have retained under the old genus duthus, and commence with one of the finest known species. 136. Anruus Ricuarp! ; i : ; : : : : ; Vol. I. Pl. VI. Ricuarp’s Pirrr. An accidental visitant to the British Islands, where it is generally seen in winter and spring. The other countries frequented by it are Continental Europe, India, China, and in fact the whole of the temperate regions of the Old World. 137. ANTHUS CAMPESTRIS ; : : : : Vol. iE Riaixe Tawny Prrrr. Common in the champagne parts of France and other portious of Central Europe. Has been killed in England, and may therefore be regarded as forming part of our avifauna; but its visits must be considered purely accidental. 138. AnrHUS OBSCURUS . : ; : i : : ; ; : : : Vol. IIE Bi Rocx-Prrrr. A’ stationary species, frequenting the shores and rocky parts of Britain—sparsely in Norfolk, but plentifully in Western Scotland and all the western islands, including the Outer Hebrides, Monach Isles, Haskar Rocks, and St. Kilda—keeping strictly to the sea-margin (2. Gray). 159, ANTH US SPINOLETTA Vol. UI. Pl. XI. Vinous Piprr. A bird of France ; : - d of France and the southern and eastern parts of Europe. Although it has been killed on our coast many ti i : consi 1 i ast many times, it must be considered an uncertain and accidental visitor. 140. Antuus Lupovicranus. Seether ie ae See the remarks respecting this sneciec * s Ing this spec aes . : He ] 8 pecies in my account of the Vinous Pipit (Anthus spinoletta). 141. Anruus CERVINUS Vol. Ti, PLE RED-THROATED Piprr, Mr. Harting has recorded, in the « Field’ for the 26th of August, 1871, the occurrence of two examples