PND RO) U CeO xx PP Le 115. PayLLOPNEUSTE TROCHILUS . ‘ ‘ WILLow- WREN. P ig ac 5 search O insects among A f abo eil € of ril and dilig ntly commen G ives fr € so ut th niddl A ; ge y Arrives trom th uth b O ences to f & es ¢ f e WIULOW «< d ther G&S; and, aiter making COR o; : f ANY pe i ) th will Ww and O tr f S . ie ° = - een , » 2 ss » . up n he arli Ss a ess 0 cold lined nest on the eround and rearing its young, retires to whe nce it came po { Cc est od 5 5 5 CE f weather. When here it is generally dispersed over the three kingdoms. c . = 5 a) ; : E ; : ; Vol: I. PE xe 116. PayLLopNeusTe RUFA . : : . . CuirFrcHarr. One of the earliest spring migrants from the sunny south, many individuals frequently appearing in March, Solitary instances are on record of its having been seen here during the winter months; and as I found it at the same season at Malta, it is evidently a more hardy bird than the Willow-Wren, from which it differs in the character of its song, and in the places selected for the site of its dome-shaped nest, which is frequently built ina bush. It is very generally dispersed, but somewhat less numerous in Scotland than in England. 117. PuyLuopneusre sipriatrix . : : : : é : ‘ : ; Vol. Il. Pex Woopv-Wren. Although I have kept this bird in the present genus, it has just claims to generic distinction, its much longer Wings, peculiar song, and brighter colouring not being quite accordant with either the Willow-Wren or the Chiffchaff—and, indeed, has had that of Sibilatriv assigned to it by Professor Kaup. With us it isa true summer visitant, arriving later than the two birds above mentioned, its tremulous sibilant note not being usually heard until May. Although commonly dispersed over Eugland and Scotland, it is rare in Ireland. Breeds on the ground, generally making in Africa. a nest of grasses only. Departs in autumn, and winters Genus Recurorpes. Comprises a series of small eastern birds allied to Phyllopneuste and Reoulus. The species which has paid England occasional visits is an inhabitant of Europe and Northern India, where others of the form are also found. 118. Reeurorpes SUPERCILIOSUs Vol. IL. Pl. LXVUL YELLOW-BRowEp Warsrer. The articulars of ‘aptur IS Srayeetae Sn TP Rs ars of the capture of this Species in England, as recorded by Mr. Harting, are :— \ Northumberland : H Zoologist, 1863, p. 8329; Y One, Hartley Point ancock, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. ii. p. 310; Blyth, arrell, Hist. of Brit. Birds, vol. i. p- 380. “One, Charlton Kings > near Cheltenham, 11th Oct. 1867 : Gould, Ibis, 1869, p. 128.”