1 WER © DUC il oO Ne lyil . 4 ea Cine ara 73. PARUS CEHRULEUS : : BuveE Tir. A beautiful saucy little bird, which, being found here at all times, is a resident species. The cheeks, Je ze oc p) o oe ee 25 roung. As common in the central i which are white in the adult, are tinged with yellow in the young As ¢ portions of Europe as with us. : Vol. 1 Bi xexas 74. Parus ATER ; : ; : 5 : Coat Trr. A common resident in every county; gives preference to forests of beech and oak. A cheerful, merry little bird, of which the young are more beautifully coloured than the adult, the sides of the face and a portion of the breast being washed with yellow during the first six weeks of their existence. The continental birds, particularly those found in Belgium, are considered distinct by Messrs. Sharpe and Dresser. 7). PARuUS CRISTATUS . : P : : ‘ : 2 : : e ‘ Vol. If. Pi xc Crestep Tir. A resident species in Scotland; breeds in the woods near Elgin. Is said to have been killed in England, aud, on the authority of Mr. Blake-Knox, twice in Ireland. Genus Pacize. 76. PactLe paLustris : : : : : : ; : ; : é Vol. Il. PL XQ Marsu-Trr, A resident species; scarce in Scotland, except in the Lothians, and still more so in Ireland. Cheek-mark of the young uniform with the other parts of the body, except the sides of the neck—which are white, and not yellow. I requents, but not exclusively, plantations, copses, and low humid situations. Genus Mecisrura. /7. Mecistura CAUDATA : : : : s : : Vol. IT. Pi. Xoxaiiiie Lone-rattep Tir. This wandering and interesting bird is a true British resident. Tt has been separated by Mr. Blyth from the White-headed species of Scandinavia, under the specific appellation of rosea; it must, however, be Pamnanion : : ae that some of our examples have white heads; and therefore I do not aver that they are, or are not, distinct. Other species of this form are found on the Bosphorus, on the Himalayas, and in China.