ENA Rs OD; UW Cnt OLN: ly Genus EnNEocrTonus. The members of this genus differ considerably from the preceding, inasmuch as, instead of the sexes being alike, they vary in colour and markings. Species of this form are found in Euro ye, Asia, and Africa. g S [ 63. ENNEOCTONUS COLLURIO . : : : ; : Vol le BE Xe BuTcHERBIRD. A migrant from the south in May, and returning thither early in autumn. 64. ENNEOCTONUS RUFUS : : : : : : : : 3 : : Volk lie PE xVir Woop-Cuart. Although this bird has been killed in England several times, it can only be regarded as an accidental oO visitor. It is said to have bred in this country ; but, for myself, I have never seen an authenticated ege which had been taken herein. Family MUSCICAPIDA. The various members of this family are very generally dispersed over the countries of the Old World. When I published my Plates of the two following species, the late Mr. George R. Gray had recently indicated, in his ‘ Catalogue of British Birds,’ that the old Muscicapa atricapilla pertained to the genus Muscicapa, and the M. grisola to the genus Butalis ; but in his more recent ‘ Hand-list’ he makes the latter the type of Muscicapa, and places the former under Sundevall’s subgenus Hedymela. Genus Muscicapa. 65. Muscicapa ATRICAPILLA . : é : : : : : : : : Vok lle BE Xvi. Prep FiycaTcuEr. A well-known migrant to Britain, chiefly frequenting the northern portion of England, where it breeds. It is rarely met with in Scotland, and never in Ireland. For an interesting note by Mr. Stevenson on a singular immigration of this species on the Suffolk coast in September 1869, see the ‘Zoologist ’ for that year, p. 1492. 66. Muscicapa CoLuaRis : : : : ; : : : : é : Volk tk PE xviii WHiITE-COLLARED FLycATCHER. This species, which has once been killed in England, is a native of Eastern Europe.