ERYTHROPITTA RUBRINUCHA. Red-naped Pitta. Pitta rubrinucha, Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, p. 187.—Id. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 19 —Id. Ibis, 1864 i 101.—Finsch, ee p. 167 (1865).—Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. a ii, p- 188 ane oe Hand-l. B. i. p. 297, no. 4381 (1869).—Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, Revue Pitta, p. 12 (1874). —Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genova, viii. p. 375 (1876).—Gould, Birds of New Guinea, part vii. (1878) Legge, Birds of Ceylon, p. 687 (1879).—Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genova, xvi. aie (1880)—Id. Orn. della Papuasia &c. p. 393 (1881). 7 Brachyurus rubrinucha, Eliot, Monogr. Pittide, pl. 18 (1861).—Id. Ibis, 1870, p. 418. Aurnouan bearing a general resemblance to the other red-breasted species of the genus Pitta, the present bird possesses such a well-marked character in its red nape-spot that it can be easily distinguished at a Another conspicuous and peculiar mark exists in the blue colour on the ear- elance from all its allies. Mr. Wallace in the Moluccan island of Bouru, where it has since been met coverts. It was discovered by with by the hunters of Mr. Bruijn, who sent four specimens to the museum at Genoa. in bis Review of the Ant-thrushes contained in the Leiden Museum, records a single collected there by Von Rosenberg —a new locality for the species, and hen we think of the absolute manner This seems to be also Count Salva- Professor Schlegel, specimen from the island of Ceram, one which we should almost suppose would require confirmation w in which these red-breasted Pittas are confined each to its own locality. dori’s opinion. Nothing whatever has b f life of the Red-naped Pitta, which still een written of the habits or mode o I am indebted to Count Salvadori for the opportunity of figuring thanks for the loan of the pair which are repre- are from the collection of the Genoa Museum. remains one of the rarest of the genus. and I herewith return my hearty this scarce species 5 and which, I believe, sented in the accompanying Plate, I add a short description :— General colour above olive-green, with a broad scarlet patch on the nape; head chestnut-brown, with a ; F __eVoht reddish grey, the ear-cover ‘sh: lower thro: blue patch on the crown 5 sides of face and throat light reddish grey, the a ae ae ; : ver ee : Aare: e the under surface being scarlet ; blackish brown, succeeded by a broad chest-band of pale blue, the rest of the 4g g ; primaries black, with a white spot on two oF three of them; bill brown; legs light grey. The sexes are alike in plumage. e es : f lear ny Total length 7 inches, bill 43, wing 1s, tarsus 25. [R. B. S.J | erent A EEL A : nent SII