IML ©> It { DESMAREST’S CORMORANT. Phalacrocorax Desmarestii. Le Cormoran de Desmarest. Tue present bird is a native of the rocky shores of the eastern parts of Europe, or more properly speaking of the shores of the Black Sea and its tributary streams, and in these localities would appear to represent our common Shag, a species to which it very closely approximates both in size and general appearance, but on a comparison of the two birds from these different localities, no doubt can exist as to their being specifically distinct. The present bird, although not inferior in the size of its body, is decidedly superior in the length of the wing, while it possesses a much longer and more attenuated bill. Our specimens were received from M. Temminck, but no account of its habits and manners has been transmitted to us; we have, however, every reason to believe them to be the same as those of our native species. The head, which is slightly crested, and the neck are greenish black ; the whole of the upper surface green, each feather having a narrow margin of jet black ; rump glossy greenish black ; abdomen sooty black tinged with green ; naked space at the back of the bill rich orange ; bill yellowish horn colour ; primaries, tail, and feet black. We have figured an adult of the natural size. 0) A al JZ ( 2) sa 3) Ge L sy OW, 2O.2 ED cy ~~ ss ae. ) a ee ee ee ——s = 2 J) Te’ bs ys Vet ay » a el, ar en x TO a ws S10} = ~ a Pr) oa 3 2) ead Ze DD > SW PONG BD s ee at) wD * SD PY — )s OY