blacks CHA R 5 ACMSB ESE COnveesiky PLCAIVeS %23 Spenvocdw Volvo ’. 1 B.S.U. MEETS EVERY WED. 7330 WESLEY FOUN. "BLACK" I am a Negro --- and I am ashamed. Chemicals in my hair to make it other than what it is, bleec! : oe eee wy National Security Council skin to make it more --- non-black. Cosmetics con my face to be like the "other". Why must I try to be other than what I am? The French say they are French, from France. The Irish say tney are Irish from Ireland. The Italians say they ere Italians, from Italy. ana 2 -eey 2 am Negro --- from wherelli?:! Is there a Negro land? The French, Irish, Italians all have a culture and hefitage. What is my land? Where are my people? My cul- ture? My heritage? I am a Negro --- and -I am ashamed. Who ave me this name? Slaves and dogs are named by their masters ---- Free men mame themselves! Must I be other than what I am? I am Bleck. This is a source of pr'de. My hair is short and finaly curied. My skin is deep-hued from brown to black. My eyes are lerge, open to the world, my lips are thick, giving resonance to my words. My nose is broad to breeth freely the air. My heritsge is my ex- perience in America. Although not of it. Free from pretense; open to truth. Seeking freedom that all life may be free. I am Black, Americe has cause to be proud. racial disturbances in the _Giscretion of the President, is to be put into action ume di- ately. “Poblished by the K.U. Black Stydent Union" THIS HANGS OVER EVERY BLACK MANS OR NEGROES HEAD KING ALFRED* In the event of widespread and continuing and coordinated nited States, KING ALFRED, at the PARTICIPATING FEDERAL AGENCIES Department of Justice ©g40-g99 (2) King of England; directed translation from the Latin of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Department of Defense Central Intelligence Agency C De>artment of Interior Federal Bureau of Investigation PARTICIPATING STATE AGENCIES (Under Federal Jurisdiction) National Guard Units State Police PARTICIPATING LOCAL AGENCIES (Under Federal Jurisdiction ) City Police County Police Even before 1954, when the Supreme Court of the United fates of America declared unconstitutional Separate educa- jonal and recreational facilities, racia tnrest and discord ad become very near r the American way OL lie. _ ut that way of life was repugnant to most Americans. ince 1954, however, that unrest and discord have broken out into widespread violence which increasingly have placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. This violence has resulted in loss of life, limb and property, and has cost the taxpayers of this nation billions of dollars. And the end is not yet in sight. This same violence has raised the tremendously grave question as to whether the races can ever live in peace with each other. Each passing month has brought new intelli- gence that, despite new laws passed to alleviate the condition of the Minority, the Minority still is not satisfied. Demonstra- tions and rioting have become a part of the familiar scene. Troops have been called out in city after city across the land, and our image as a world leader severely damaged. Our enemies press closer, seeking the advantage, possibly at a time during one of these outbreaks of violence. The Minority has adopted an almost military posture to gain its objectives, which are not clear to most Americans. It is expected, therefore, that, when those objectives are denied Minori- ty, racial war must be considered inevitable. £When that Emergency comes, we must expect the total involv@ment of all 22 million members of the Minority, men, women and children, for once this project is launched, its goal is to terminate, once and for all, the Minority threat to the whole ” of the American society, and, indeed, the Free World. Chairman, National Security Council Prema Mary Memo: Department of Interior UNDER KING ALFRED, the nation has been divided into 10 Regions (See accompanying map). In case of Emergency, Minority members will be evacuated from the citics by federalized national guard units, local ana state police and, if necessary, by units of the Regular Armed Forces, using public and military transportation, and detained until in nearby military installations a further course of action has been decided. o10-a 10) o10-D Managering Editor"FATS" Writers: Underground or Under the Jail 1——Capital region 2—Northeast region 3—-Southeast region 4—Great Lakes region 5—South Central region 6—Deep South region 7—Deep South region II 8-——Great Plains, Rocky Mountain yegioa 9-—Southwest region 10-——a, b—West Coast region No attempt will be made to seal cal the Canadian and: Mex- ican borders. Secretary, Depertment of Sntertor Combined Memo: Department of Jusdice Federal Bureau of Investigation Central Intelligence Agenc) There are 12 major Minority organizations and all are fa nil- jar to the 22 million. Dossiers have been conpiled on the leaders of the organizations, and can be studied in Washing- ton. The material contained in many ot the dossiers. and our threat to reveal that material. has considerably held im check the activities of some of their leaders. Leaders who do not have such usable material in their dossiers have been ap- proached to take Governinent posts, mostly as ambassadors and primarily in African countries. The promise of those pesitions also has materially contributed to a temporary slow- down of Minority activities. However, we do nci expect these slow-downs to be of long duration, because there are always new and dissident elemerits jcining these orgawiaations, with the potential power te replace the old leaders. A'l organiza- tions and their leaders are under constant, 24-hour surveil- lance. The organizations are: 1—The Black Muslims 2—Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 3—Congress of Racial Equality 4—Uhuru Movement 5—Group on Advanced Leadership (GOAL) 6—Freedom Now Party (FNP) 7—-United Black Nationalists of America (UBNA) &.—The New Pan-African Movemént (TNPAM) 9—Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) 10—The National Urban League (NUL) 11—The National Association for the Advancement cf Color- ed People (NAACP) 12—-Committee on Racial and Religious Progress (CORARP) 15.Black Panther Pert NoTE: At the apprcpriate time, to be designated by the President, the leaders of some of these organizations are to be detained ONLY WHEN IT IS CLEAR THAT THEY CANNOT PREVENT THE EMERGENCY, working with local public officials during the first critical hours. All other leaders are to be detained at once. Compiled lists of Minority leaders have been readied at the National Data Computer Center. It is necessary to use the Minority leaders designated by the President in much the same manner in which we use Minori- ty members who are agents with CENTRAL and FEDERAL, and we cannot, until there is no alternative, reveal KiNG ALFRED in all its aspects. Minority members of Congress will be unseated at once. This move is not without precedent in American histucy. ttorney General ALM UUM CL ROU horn May 19, 1925 - Assassinated Feb. 21, 1965 Page 1