BLACK Cro GaO oN ANGELA DAVIS Sister Angela Davis is a prime ex ample of Black Gold. She is One of the most dynamic sisters involved in the struggle. She was BecentlLy fired from UCLA by the racist regents Os being a Communist. If the Black man is to have his manhood, Black Gold such as Sister Davis, will surely help us to gain it with their love and understanding of what has to be doné to attain total liberation. MARR Penn House Director Picks Up the Gun Keith Miller, the red- neck psuedo,hippie, who makes $12,00 a year by misusing the core of our Black Gold,the welfare mothers, picked up the gun on some brother when they entered the Penn House. He trains Black women to be good niggers and come to his meetings On time and bring a friend and they get rewards of day Old bread and week old, month old, and sometimes year old leftover surplus food. This peckerwood, faggot and faggots like him have to be treated like mad dogs, and removed from the Black Community by whatever means necessary. during war, they can function there all the time. And this viewpoint, women occupy- ing a secondary place in society, is shown to be so fallacious as we always knew it was. “Everything women do is viewed as secondary in capitalist society. Evenhav- ing a baby is secondary because men can’t do it. “But in a socialist society the labor force needs everybody, and therefore women are not looked on as secondary citizens.’ Kathleen and Eldridge, who gave the revolution a baby boy, Maceo, last July, are now expecting a second child, accord- ing to the Post rerorter. ALGIERS (LNS), . Kathleen Cleaver, Com- munications Secretary of the Black Panther Party, is living here in exile wit h her husband Eldridge. A reporter from the Women’s Page of the Washington Post recently interviewed her. The reporter asked Kathleen what was a woman’s role in the revolution, probably hoping to get a recipe for revolutionary apple pie. Kath- leen replied: “No one ever asks what a man’s place n the Revolution is, nN wartime conditions, women do the jobs of men. But when the war is over, women are expected to return to their secondary Positions. ‘If women can function inmen’s roles CYN Sister Turner who has lived in the Black community of Lawrence since 1945, well understands the political misuse of Black People. She is whole heartly involved in the struggle and is a prime ex- ample of an 50 years young sister who doesn't have a generation gap |] when it comes to understanding the § Black struggle. Whe has said, D "The voice of Black people has been silent too long, and the governmental agencies of this state have not addressed to the political and economic enpower- ment of Black people. Black people in Lawrence are the low- est educated, lowest employed, and least respected. I am seeking the nomination for rep- resentative of the 39th district. So the needs of Black people can be heard in the governmental bod- ies of this state." FHILOSOFHY-RLACK STUDFNTTS UNZON SUMMER PROCR/IM The Black Student's Union recognizes that throughout the niseory of African _people there has existed those forces whose purposes are to divide us from our brothers in order to exploit ovr lives our culture, our manhood. We have ex- amined the American educational systen, perticularly its universities, and have found them te be one of the maior Cees Sive forces among Black peopie. If we and our life-stvles are to Ste. then Black peovle must imaedia pony be about - the business of preserving and cee ing those svstems of Black. vaiues which make our lives” totailyworelevant to the Gevelopment of a self-determ:ned Bieck community. This can: only be achieved thorough the totsl anc unending unitv of Bl=ck reorle. This, then, becomes the primary resronsibility of the BSU con-. stant reinforcement of the unifying tendencies that are manifest in Black peorle, Tas must’ “inclace.cs a first prioritv the elimin-tion of one of the most severe divisions hetween Black reople, that’ of the Black stucent and the Black community. -The issue is sur- vival-for both or none-for we are the same, Cnly through se'f-determination is it possible to insure our surviv:l as men and women when surrounded by a hos- tile white enviroment. The BSU must have.“as the basic rremise of its exis= tence COMMUMILY— 2nd .. nab rong. self- determination. Ins US. the unity we goal of Black people. If we are ser- ously about the business of creat i ne a black-directec cestinv for a Black na- tion, then we must recognize the res= PONSLD ity fer directing all eva; lapie resources to °*our comnunity’..and: where that. resronsibility lies. <*sistudentes we have access. to the resources which - ean further the programs directed to- ward the unity and seif-determination of Black reorle. It +s our responsi- bulity “to direct ‘thes resources to- werd these. poals;: To. -de=less is to retere on ourselves, our... people, our survival. im order (“to creete those conditions which ®re necessary to the develonment : of our sef-“*etermination, we must. make ourselves totally awore of. the contra- Arctzons involved: in «traditional white educational svstems and our lives. We mustrecogniage the See of the Black exrerience =s noth: ng ot os Hen a Peal wey. his exnerience as c used us to perceive the toual world wn 4 way which ©is- basically -