} i x , ee Workincommunity stressedat conference — a By Chester Sheard Each subject was given an subject, the final analysis no question unanswered ; NEW HAVEN. — added impetus due to the brought the decisions that Rhetoric was replaced by § 4,,TRIP TO THE PARK | Approximately 400 ne recent erp ban xa ee ee ae ae logic. Their concern for the AGRE de Beautiful Black people, on June 9, 1970 students, representing colleges conferees took the stand tha OTE IGEE Wana MT welfare of each person Was Moose Billy the Coordinating Committee for your community would serve as a nego ‘ : from most sections of the this is just the beginning of unity by attending the conference wae And the rest of the guys presented a list of urgently needed programs reening and recommending country, recently attended the repressive measures against Causing them to be more quite evident in spite of a lack § © before the East Kansas Annual Meth a ig tigcel aie: es committee for fund and first. Black Students all who dare to stand up to the concerned than how they could of sufficient help front Yale “Where can we go?” Pavkuee dae Raced Th al Methodist pone reconcilliation. Once the Black Caucus \ Revolutionary Conference. oppressors and say by their best survive in the chaotic University, the Aeaauniiy ona “We can't go iy the Shack ey werk : sea were a pre-, persuaded this committee to fund a program LO aoa ere ‘ y emember it got raide 1 nt home for girls i The unprecedented affair acquisition of arms for self aie es ae find even the Black students lof b Wel tee a Pi aces aa we ee the funds would be turned over to the comm+ was held at Yale University. defense, that. they will no selves in today. Yale. , scholarships and youth ittee to fund a program, Suprasrianen a IT WAS apparent from the longer consider taking . “The park’s a nice place job corps programs. A sum of $76,000 was de- particular program. Throughout the whol outset that this would be no brutality without fighting On the final day ot the SSS Let’s go for our bikes.” _ « manded as a token reparation for the church's process Black people have no decisi We ordinary conference as almost back. ‘conference, there were short Man it’s’ too close role in the exploitation and oppression of eee Why don’t we hike?” making power, but only the power to beg like * summati f all of the students showed an On the second day, there was ations of the hopes and we have »been doing for. the last 400. years. , : ; ' Black people. However, it was the intent of interest in relating stories of a panel discussion on. the goals of the meeting by Doug “Man it’s too late the manifesto to reveal the hypocrisy and rac- their plight as Black students subject, ‘‘Revolutionary Miranda, Elaine Brown and In an hour it'll be dark.” ism of the so-called white christi 4 i in white universities. Their Nationalism versus Cultural Brother Darruba. By take a car put them on judgement ie ene Mee US ae ia One might say that this committee desire to find ways to become Nationalism.” The panelists When the floor was thrown Pa ne ae : would be relevant to the needs of Black “Out of the car! Put up your hand!’’ people. Yes, would do everything except more involved with the Black consisted of Ray ‘Masai’ open for questions on. allow Black people to make decisions about community was the most Hewitt, Elaine Brown, programming or conference Nonetheless, the Kansas East Conference bea ae of the Darruba and Dedon. Although CTiticism, the organizers left “Whose car is this?” felt no moral consciousness for the wrongs that thier own lives. There is not one program Aon tenehoe. this proved to be a touchy Why; sir, it’s mine. the church has committed for: (1) for the that it has funded which is controlled by _ Nobody asked you children of our forefather's slave master reap Quite a number of the the benefits of Black people's labor, while we colleges are situated in areas Black people. It claims it has funded a 5 day care center, and tutoring program in which are close to Black B= " { Anyway you're lyin’.” are still economically exploited, politically fopeka. Mowevel, the ee capen oe eG communities (its easier to — ee ee ee td 3 ee @puvesbed Andi ssorlt ih deppaned) vere. aya. neous wits od a ie grab Black peoples’ land even ~ j Search the car.” very scrupulous and screwed church politics, white. There have been many pr Is d : : “But Mr. Policeman “the specific request for Lawrence was never ee though we badly need a housing). The students claim igned by Black people that have been rejected We weren’t goin’ far.” | fad Thi ; ( they ia loiger tind i practical a voted on, is process deserves some discuss- by this committee. In other words, any to sit in the students’ lounges Pig ait a person in a decision-making position is not plasingcards and ‘talking It belong to your father.”’ black. In February of 1969, a proposal for Black’. while their . a mobil cultural unit created by Maurice communities are being It took two hours! conference approved to have the manifesto re- Woodard, Horaee Bond, Jesse Milan, Charles But look at your watch | Once the manifesto had been presented, the exploited by. racists: i : - ferred to the Black Caucus which consisted of 3 eomeuale she call fon. this Ce | Pisnk dolesetes £6 the, cuqbeneude a Puen Lee AFRICAN S¢ott, Sr., and Leonard Harrison was conference was welcomed. “Get in the squad car Caucus in turn, would review the manifesto and The three day meeting began You're goin’ to jail,” | make recommendations to be voted on by the con- presented before this committee. This with four workshops. They © Silently the students endl ference at large. The Black Caucus unanimously committee rejected that proposal. They wee Eauca tien, a “The Ghetto”: supported the Lawrence programs and recommended PEOPLE allocated no funds. / Revolution, Revolutionary The ghetto, my friend, is real- that the conference fund the programs along ly quite a sight ‘ A most every Saturday night | 5 with some programs from Kansas City and Parsons. Moreover, the committee has over-co- [Where welfare checks will They demanded that they would be the agency of mitted its fuads to presently white- Freeing Political Prisoners of a a oe i the church to administer the funds to Lawrence WE SHALL WIN! controlled programs. Hence, there will be War. oy i sine 5 and other Black areas. ‘Further, the Black 5 little if any left over for programs designed All the workshops were .4o== "a" : ‘ ; : i” Halfway there Caucus demanded that they would be the agency by Black eae eS: committee fe o pres- heavily attended. Here the | My > of the church with the ultimate decision that » ent cutting down on the programs it has. students had an opportunity to no mir days Tele 3] they would be the group to fund programs for An pap cia people sacondly, this committee has made wasteful all express how they felt they ook at a cold and empty various Black communities in the conference Sen we Bee sub- ccations. in 1970 it had allocated $5000 to could best relate getting an ty plate. area. The same day, a substitute motion was jected to ervey conduct a seminar on interracial understanding. education to these specific j YAS ane , , offered by Dr. Watts of the First Meth- at any given time.” 1,, other words, it spent $5000 to get people survival issues. STUDENTS PACK hall at Yale University where conference on student revolutionaries was held last Aiea Chovch of Topeka Hite Gaeta wae together and talk about how Black people are It was generally agreed that jonth. Conference wrestled with issue of ‘cultural nationalism’, and many came to conclusion that : soing to acquire freedom from oppression. Black students had to become merely imitating African, dress, cosmetics, hair styles, languages, superstitions and so forth would ce that the Lawrence proposal be referred to : 7 the advisory committee for fund and recon- oe Lnyolved mith, the not solve or even face the problems faced by Black communities in the USA. (MS photo: Chester: . y community. One of the most + : Action on Campus and in Community, National je Salvation and Self Defense and four days late here mothers stand on corn- ers just to make a livin’ i ‘And fathers spend on any girl who happens to be givin’ Where babies cry their lungs out while hungry all night As the result of the insult placed upon ciliation. This committee would determine | need to live in the communities Kansas Cit KING PREMPEH S Si Siat, | | : and not the conference. The argument used of the Black ce ie a - he a a rather than in the dormitories a . me “ais by Watts was the most racist and insulting | getiega), the Bisek Career tee eel eee ee sothey. conld be better has Black Chhatdle os argument that could have been used against acainst the hypocrisy of the church. One del- equipped, to help the ; Z Pad the integrity of the Black delegates. He ezate said that ye ye militant or revolu- community through programs. police chief po. 193! ay) a stated that the proposal should be decided tionary’ she won't light a match or throw a such as breakfast, medical and O i :H/ 2 . lou ini a tesmonsible agency of the church. bomb, but she will be damned if she throws a tutoring KANSAS CITY, Kan. — A NE OF BERIERe MeHEST + = @ i ah sf : ss cron of water when the buildings start to burn. Black man, Major Boston MONARCHS,HE HAD 3,333 WIVES = 549M aah Unity Mores Se Oe ee a ne Che stated that she has sat on the shoulders of Daniels, was recently Chief of AND AGOLDEN THRONE! HIS ATTEND- b gil Ss Trust tily put together and could not possibly ee Black men too long and that now sheis W Police of this midwestern city. ANTS WORE JEWELS AND RARE SILKS! Bae” Pam ie: 2 act within the realm of rational decision. ieee : Oke aud tee the Balter (dnd pombe HE’S THE FIRST Black FOR TWO HUNDRED YEARS,HIS PEO- ae am an His supporters charge the Black Caucus of Botne o ge : Ss = ae man to hold that post in this PLE DOMINATED THEIR GOLD COAST ~__ es Ms Nf Respect being irresponsible in investigating the oy : ey es a are eet yes : city. NEIGHBORS AND COLLECTED HEAVY = \ validity of a program. In essence, they ae that t ey. ae Y i y bore 3 ar aN ee he an A There \are 88 Blacks’ on‘the TAXES FROMTHE BRITISH as Black people are less capable of defin- zoing to acquire freedom is to tak y any Kansas City police force of AND THE DUTCH ! \ A ing Black people's needs than white people. mR ENG MENA ae re. 370,282 are white. : 2 : Z ; Because of the intense turmoil created The Black delegates now realize the power- less position of Black people in this society, and that is little hope of exerting any power in institutions created and controlled by white people. We as Black people must all come to that realization, for in these institutions we are totally at the mercy of a people who hav shown no moral conscience for the wrongs they -ye guilty of. No race of people is so super- ‘or or so moral that they. have the right to control the lives of another. Therefore, we must remove the right to control the lives of another. Therefore, we must remove ourselves from such bondage, and we must end the abuse of Black people. We must acquire land and resources, and develop institutions in order to gain control over the destiny of our lives and enhance the :lignity and respect of all Black peopfe. around Watts' motion there was an amendment to the motion. This amendment was that the Black Caucus, the fund and reconcilliation committee, world service committee and the program council meet to determine how much should and can be appropriated to minority communities and to formulate the adminis-— trative arrangements. These groups in turn would bring back these arrangements to be voted on by the conference. The only thing that was acceptable to the Black Caucus was the amount to be appropriated. This amount was 6% of the conference's total budget, $54,000: $50,00 from the World Service Committee and $50,000 from the program cou- : ncil. However, on that day, Watts presentec | the administrative arrangements and the decision making arrangements for the funds appropriated. These arrangements were that all these funds be placed in the comm- WOULD BLOW YOUR BRAINS OuT, BUT MY PARTNER ittee for fund and reconcilliation, and ze : this committee would decide if a program WE SHALL WIN! HAS ME COVERED.” should be funded. As a token and insulting gesture, Watts stated that the Black Caucus Black People’ constitute: thirty - five percent of the 170,000 Kansas City population. Thirty - five per cent of 170,000 PEOPLE equals a 59,500 Black . population. Daniels succeeds a_ white man, Frank Steach who resigned. When naming the Black man to the post, Mayor Joseph McDowell praised Daniel for his many qualifications which are: twenty - five years on the force and the achievement of promotions to the ranks of #™ detective and major. As major, he headed all of the police department’s investigative operations. QUOTATION: HUEY P. NEWTON Peace and Power to All Black People et Brother Charles S, Scott, Jr, ag ee