WESTERN INCIDENTS. CITY ORGANIZATION. “A meeting of citizens will be held this day at the Music Stand in the Public Square, at 9 a. m., for the purpose of locating a city, the election of a Mayor, City Council, and the transaction of such other business as may be presented. “Let there be a full attendance.” By Order. TO THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PRESS. “The Representatives of the Press are requested to meet at the Press headquarters (left wing of the dining hall), at 10 o’clock this morning.” “ Aw Excursion Train will leave for the End of the Track, at 11 a. mM.” THE BUFFALO HUNT. “ Gentlemen wishing to go ona buffalo or antelope hunt will please report to Captain Hollins, at headquarters. Captain H., with an ex- perienced hunter, will accompany the party. Buffalo are said to be in abundance on the Republican, and. antelope nearer camp. The party will be absent about four days. Horses and ponies will be provided.” DEPARTURE OF THE ELKHORNS. Very much to the disappointment and regret of all parties, a large number of the officers, professors, and leading spirits of the Elkhorn Club were obliged to leave soon after breakfast, in a special train for the east. Pro- fessor Ayer, the goutist of the Club, remained however, and added very much to the hilarity of the party by riding about in an old one-horse wagon, driven by Major Bent ; this method of locomotion being rendered neces- sary, as he remarked, by the unmanageableness of his stuttering feet. The following dispatch was received from the Elkhorn party during the day : “Kary, October 25, 1866. “Dr. T. C. Durant— “Our eyes are filled with unaccustomed tears; and our hearts are bowed with grief. The Elkhorns mourn for their Fawns. “ ELKHORNS.”