WESTERN INCIDENTS. 99 congratulate mankind at the success of this magnificent enter- prise. “ Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby ten- dered to the Union Pacific Railroad Company for their energy and enterprise in the rapid construction of their railroad, as well as for their excursion, celebrating thus far the opening of their railroad. “« Resolved, That Thomas C. Durant, the Vice-President and General Manager of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and his subordinates in its direction, deserve and have our sincere thanks for this excursion and for the energy and enterprise they have displayed in organizing and conducting it ; and for the splendid and unsurpassed accommodations provided for the convenience and comfort of the excursionists. “ Resolved, That our thanks are due and hereby tendered to the Central Transportation Company for the splendid ‘ Pal- ace Sleeping Cars,’ so generously furnished by them for this Excursion. “ Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby ten- dered to George M. Pullman, Esq., of Chicago, for his liberal hospitality and generosity in furnishing the magnificent train of ‘Palace Sleeping Cars,’ for our party over the Chicago and Quincy Railroad, and for the sumptuous entertainment pro- vided at his instance by the prince of caterers, ‘ Kinsley,’ of Chicago. “ Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby ten- dered to Governor Alvin Saunders of Nebraska, for the cor- dial welcome to this Territory which he extended to our party at Omaha; and to the Mayor and Council of Omaha, and to the people of that city for the hospitalities and the splendid entertainment given us during our stay at that flourishing - capital. “ Resolved, That our thanks are in like manner extended to the several Railroad Companies of the lines of road over