118 WESTERN INCIDENTS. any separation could by any possibility take place. And when I contemplate that and see that vast region beyond, rich as the other in agricultural capabilities, and infinitely richer in the material wealth, and peopled too by the same class of people, still, sir, I might fear that ambition might conceive the idea that beyond the Rocky Mountaius, on the Pacific coast, a great and prosperous nation, separate from us, might be built up, and when I contemplate that, sir, I think I see the necessity of intimate connections with that people by commerce, by social relations, and all those ties that bind nations, together. [Applause.] Not believing that there is any danger of such a thing, for, for the honor of that great people over there be it said, they have given us no intimation that there is any design to separate themselves from the rising and prospective glories of this great republic. [Applause.] But, sir, it is a dictate of prudence politically to cultivate the most intimate relations with that people, and use every facility for connecting ourselves most closely with them. How, sir, should this be done? Man’s ingenuity has invented no other way except the all-efficient instrumentality of the railway, And that is sufficient to bind nations together this day infinitely stronger than the people of the old time were capable of. Therefore, sir, I do honor to all those who, either through patriotism or the far- reaching knowledge of their own interests, are taking in hand to expend their capital, their thought, and their labor on this great enterprise. And as we proceeded west over those vast plains, and found what the energy of those men had done, it filled our minds with the greatest degree of admiration. As the gentleman who preceded me has said, there was no man among us whose heart did not warm toward the men who engaged their fortunes in this great enterprise. They have prosecuted it with an energy that astonished me, whether it did others or not. I had no idea that this road was creeping along with such facility toward its western termination; and when I saw it I felt glad that all the votes I have ever given in Congress, having any connection with this great enterprise, have been to aid it. [Applause.] I labored