WESTERN INCIDENTS. I. NEW YORK TO PITTSBURGH, CHICAGO, OMAHA, FORT KEARNY, AND DEN- VER—PROGRESS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD—VISIT OF GOV- ERNMENT DIRECTORS, ETC., ETC. Denver Crry, Conorapo, Monday, Sept. 17, 1866. It is now about two weeks since I left New York, in company with the Government Directors of the Union Pacific Railroad, for the purpose of inspecting the rapid construction of that greatest of modern enterprises; and also examining the different routes which have been pro- posed for the road through the passes of the Rocky Mountains ; and it seems to me that during that time I have learned more of the vast extent and resources of our continent than I had ever known before. Leaving New York on the evening of the 4th Septem- ber, by the New Jersey, and Pennsylvania Central Rail- roads, we arrived at Pittsburgh on the 5th for dinner, -after which we were placed in the Government Presiden- tial car, which conveyed us most comfortably to Chicago in time to witness the interesting ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the Douglas monument, pay our respects to the Presidential party, and hear the elo- quent address of General Dix. . On Friday evening, the 7th, we continued our journey from Chicago westward over the Iowa division of the