Cash Capital mY ea? oe NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of the U. S. of A. WASHINGTON, PD. C. CHARTERED BY CONGRESS. 1,000,000 a $4,023,362.94. etre ws) OOD CLE. 88. ASSETS JAN. 1,1878 ©. SURPLUS * & All this Surplus is a Security Addition 1 to the Reserve. Ratio of Assets to Liabilities 148 Per Cent. MMR LARGEST CAPITAL OF ANY JAEE INSURANCE COMPANY JN THE WORLD. The Capital Stock, $1,090,000, is FULL-parp, in Cash, and is held as additional security furnished by the Stockholders. PERFECT SECURITY; LOW RATES OF PREMIUM; DEFINITE CONTRAOTS. OFFICERS : EMERSON W. PHET President and Actuary. J. ALDER ELLIS, Vice-President. JOHN M. BUTLER, Secretary. SAM’L M. NICKERSON, Chairman, Finance & Executive Committec. DIRECTORS : Sam’L M. Nickerson,