AND PACIFIC COAST GUIDE. 29 | | nes | on a See Annex No. 18. may also view the great Suspension Bridge over Niagara River, which, undoubtedly, is one of the finest structures of its kind in this country. They can have choice of two . trunk lines. Rovurzm 2.—The New York Central & Hudson River line, passes up the glorious old Hudson, the magnificentriver upon the bosom of which Fulton launched his “ex- periment,” the first steamboat ever con- structed. This road is built almost on the river brink, upon the eastern bank, which HANGING ROCK, AMERICAN FORE R.R., UTAH. slopes back in irregu- lar terraces, presenting from the car window ' one of the finest, if not | the finest, panoramic view in the world. On the rightare many small cities, towns and villages, with groves, parks, gardens, orch- ards, and alternate rich fields, with here and there, peeping out from beneath the trees, the magnificent country villa of the nabob, the substantial resi- dence ot the wealthy merchant, or the neat and tasteful cottage of the well-to-do farmer. Then come the “ Pali- sades of the Hudson,” and then again’ a rep- etition of the beauties above described, while to the west of our train rolls the river, with numberless steamboats tugs, barges, small boats, and sailing ves- sels of all kinds and classes, while beyond, on the west bank, is spread out a succession of scenery not much unlike that seen on the eastern side. This line passes through Central New York, the “Garden Spot of the State,’ via Albany,— the Capital of the | State, — Troy, Utica, | Rochester, to Suspen- sion Bridge, Niagara, and Buffalo.. The direct western connections of this route are at Suspension Bridge, with the Great Western and Michigan Central and at Buffalo with the Canada Southern and the Laxe Shore & Michigan South- ern, via Dunkirk and Cleveland. Rourxn 3.—The Hrie railway line trav- erses the southern portion of the State of New York, via Binghampton, Corning, and Buffalo. The track of the Erie is the broad gauge; the cars are very wide and commodious. This route affords the