94 CROFUTT'S NEW agined, where forests do not recover from the cutting. There will be no second growth here; when once cut off, it is gone forever. Saw mills will find employment for many generations, ere they can lay bare these mountains. Fort Sanders—six and a half miles from Red Buttes, is a railroad station, for the military post of Fort Sanders, situated on the east side of the railroad, close to OVERLAND TOURIST ordinary frame—the headquarters. This post was established June 28d, 1866, by two companies of the Third Bat. talion, U.S. Infantry, under command of Brevet Lieutenant-Oolonel H. M. Mizner, Captain 18th Infantry. Latitude 41 deg, 13 min. 4 sec. (observation), longitude 105 deg. 40 min. (approximate.) Two and a-half miles farther on—rolling over a broad prairie, twenty-five miles in width—we arrive at the end of the “Moun- tain Division” of the road—Laramie. the track, and in plain view for ‘miles in every direction. The buildings are princi- pally of logs, several of stone, and one an TIM we TA BS mE. LARAMIE DIVISION. LARAMIE TO GREEN RIVER. S. T. SHANKLAND, Division Superintendent. WEST FROM OMAHA. LARAMIE TIME. EAST FROM CALIFORNIA. STATIONS, Daily Daily Elevati'n ian ress - 1at eed el’s| = migrant. . Daily Distance an oy Express from & *\Ist &2dcl’s} Omaha 10:20 pm 5:60 p mi..678.... 1Lv........ *LARAMIE,....... AV aa 11:30 am| 2:00 10:55 5:18 HOON aoe tlocee ses oe ae SEOW ER essen tes + . 7090. .}11 202 1:25 11:30 5:85 BOR lac ecaceee Wyoming. oe “77068... 10:45 12:50 12:20 a m| 6:02 1.602... .|-.....0...*Uooper’s BOsiecnesen| esse El era 10:18 2:05 pm 1:10 6:30 pABOB Ewes close > oe ace OOKOUBs s ciciccccielee ew = 716 9:55 11:25 1:50 6:55 GA oo an cee ewe + conn MIRE. cole nr Lehaeiweheaen BO 9:27 10:35 2:35 7:40 t e2B2Sa ec aeie tie eee ROCK -CrOOK..... 60 toc si <0 6690. 9:60 + 9:40 3:20 8:05 BBD. 655 clewieusewses

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