WESTERN INCIDENTS. 23 old method of stamping and washing the ores from the quartz ; and the other, the Lyons mill, in which the new process of decomposing the quartz and separating the ores by the action of heat, is being carried on. This matter of separating the precious metals from the quartz, is one of vast importance to the mining interests of Colorado ; and he who shall first succeed in economi- cally and successfully accomplishing the object, will be entitled to the lasting gratitude of “ all the world and the rest of mankind.” ‘The exact and proper process seems yet to be hidden in the womb of the future ; and many an alchemist is now racking his brain, and experimenting in his crucible over his midnight lamp, in the hope of first discovering this great secret in chemical science, which the Almighty has, for some great and wise purpose, thus far withheld from us. JUNCTION, OR BOUTWELL’S RANCH. Our journey up the long hill of four or five miles, — between the valley of Clear Creek and Junction, was most tedious and uncomfortable. Like most other ob- stacles in this world, however, it was finally surmounted ; and on descending one or two miles beyond the summit, we found ourselves in front of a most excellent and hos- pitable Ranch, kept by Mr. Boutwell, with a huge fire blazing from a large, old-fashioned fire-place, inviting us to comfort and repose. A hearty supper, good night’s rest, and early breakfast, enabled us on the following morning to resume our jour- ney with every prospect of reaching Denver before night. The storm had passed over, and the weather was clear and cold—snow one foot deep, ice one inch thick, and the thermometer sixteen degrees above zero. Our venerable