168 CROFUTT’S NEW OVERLAND TOURIST miles distant. During the wet season, when the swollen rivers have overflowed the low lands around the lakes and united them, they form a very respectable sheet of water, about eighty miles or more in length, With a large river emptying its waters into each end; and for this vast volume of water there is no visible outlet. Across the outlet of Humboldt Lake a dam. has been erected, which has raised the water about six feet, completely oblit- erating the old emigrant road which passed close to the southern shore, The necessi- ties of mining have at length utilized the waters of the lake, and now they are em- ployed in turning the machinery of a quartz mill. In the lower end of the lake is an island—a long narrow strip of land— which extends up the lake and near the northern shore. Before the dam was put in the outlet, this island was part of the main land. There are several varieties of fish in the lake, and an abundance of water-fowl during portions of the year. Leaving Brown’s, and passing along the shore of the lake for a few miles, an inter- vening sand ridge hides the lake from our | sight, and about eight miles west we ob- tain a fine view of the Sink of Carson Lake, which is a small body of water lying a few miles north of the main Carson Lake, and | connected with that and the Humboldt dur- | ing. the wet season. ARSON LaxE lies directly south of Humboldt Lake, and is from 20 to 25 miles long, with a width of ten miles. In the Winter its waters cover considerable more area, the Sink and lake being one. The Carson River empties into the south- ern end of the lake, discharging a large volume of water. What becomes of the vast body of water continually pouring into these lakes, is the problem yet un- solved. Some claim the existence of un- derground channels, and terrible stories are told of unfortunate people who have been drawn down and disappeared for- ever. These stories must be taken with much allowance. If underground chan- nels exist, why is it that the lakes, which are 10 to 15 miles apart in low water are united during the winter floods? And how is it, that when the waters have subsided from these alkaline plains, that no openings for these channels are visible? | ‘The only rational theory for the escape of | the water. is by evaporation. Examine each little stream bed that you meet with; you find no water there in the summer, nor sink holes, yet in the winter their beds are full until they reach the main river. The sun is so powerful on these lava plains in summer that the water evapo- rates as soon.as it escapes from the coolin shadows of the hills. By acutal experi- ment it has been demonstrated that at Carson and Humboldt lakes the evapora- tion of water is equal, in the summer, to six inches every 24 hours. In the winter, when the atmosphere is more humid, evap- oration is less, consequently the waters spread over a larger area. Carson River, which gives its name to the lake, rises in the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, south of Lake Tahoe and opposite the head waters of the American River. From its source to its mouth is about 150 to 200 miles by the riv- er’s course. From its source its course is about due north for about 75 miles, when it turns to the east, and follows that direction until it enters the lake. Under the general name of Carson Val- ley, the land bordering the river has long been celebrated as being one of the best farming sections in the State. The thriv- ing towns of Carson City and Genoa are situated in the valley, though that portion around Carson City is frequently designa- ted as Eagle Valley. The upper portion, from Carson to the foothills, is very fertile, and yields handsome crops of vegetables, though irrigation is necessary to insure a good yield. In some portions the small grains are successfully cultivated, and on the low lands an abundant crop of grass is produced. The valley is thickly settled, the arable land being mostly occupied. South and west of the head waters of Car- son River, the head waters of Walker's River find their source. The west fork of Walker’s River rises within a few miles of the eastern branches of the Carson. The east fork of Walker’s River runs due north until joined by the west fork, when the | course of the river is east for about forty | miles, when it turns to the south, following | that direction until it reaches Walker’s Lake, about forty miles south of the sink of the Carson, having traversed in its tortu- ous course about 140 miles. In the val- leys, which are found at intervals along the rivers, occasional spots of arable land are found, but as an agricultural country the valley of Walker’s River is not a success. WaLKER Lax is about 45 miles long by 20 miles wide. Like all the lakes in the basin, it has no outlet. The water is