AND PACIFIC COAST GUIDE, of the pipe used is but little less than seven miles. At the point where the water is taken | from Dall’s Creek, up in the Sierras, it is brought in an 18-inch flume, four miles long, tothe point of a spur on the west side of Washoe Valley, the height of which is 2,100 feet above the railroad track. At the | point where the water in the flume reaches the spur it is received in an iron pipe, which, after running along the crest, de- scending, crossing and ascending twelve steep canyons on its route, finally descends into this gorge, crosses it from the west, and ascends the cliff on the east side to a height of 1,540 feet, where it is taken by another flume and conducted to a reservoir on the Divide between Virginia City and Gold Hill. The pipe has an orifice twelve inches in diameter, and where the pressure is the greatest, is five-sixteenths of an inch | sure lessens, the thickness of the material gradually decreases. The amount of rolled iron used in con- | structing the pipe was 1,150,000 Ibs. One million rivets and 52,000 Ibs. of lead were used on the pipe. Before being used, each length of pipe—26 feet long, each—was heated to a temperature of 880 degrees, and submerged in a bath of asphaltum and coal tar, to prevent corroding. At the bot- tom of each depression there is a blow-off cock, for removing any sediment that might accumulate, and at each elevation is an air-cock to let out the air when the water is first introduced into the pipes. Where the water pipe runs under the rail- road track, it is surrounded with a massive iron sleeve, twelve feet long, to protect it from the jar of passing trains. This pipe is capable of furnishing 2,000,000 gallons of water a day. The whole cost of con- in thickness, riveted with five-eighth inch | struction was $750,000. A movementisnow rivets in double rows. Where the pres- THE WAY WE ONCE WENT TO VIRGINIA CITY. on foot to lay another and much larger