AND PACIFIC COAST GUIDE. 17 Evrexa—is half a mile from Santiago, with a narrow-gauge track on our right, away down the river. Near the track on the right, is the dump-shute of the Eureka mill. Ascending rapidly and tortuously for two miles, we come to Movunp Hovsze—Here all supplies for Dayton and Sutroville, are re-shipped on wagons; distance to Dayton, four miles, to Sutroville, five miles. Stages run daily. A large amount of freight is shipped from this point for Columbus, and the Monte Christo country. Since the completion of the steam-tug on Walker Lake, teams that pass over Holmes’ toll-road are conveyed a distance of 35 miles, saving 45 miles of teaming around the north end of the lake, through deep sand. This tug is 60 feet long, with a breadth of 18 feet, and takes on a four or six horse team, but not a “prairie schooner” of twelve or sixteen animals. However, a larger boat is being constructed to accommodate this trade. Sutro TunneL—This tunnel is one of the most important enterprises ever inau- gurated in mining operations in this or any other country. € object sought is ven- tilation, drainage, and a cheap means of working the mines, or bringing the ores to the surface. The tunnel commences in the valley of the Carson River; is 14 feet wide at the bottom, 13 feet at the top, and 12 feet high. The main tunnel will be 19,790 feet in | length, and the cross tunnels about 12,000 feet more. The tunnel will strike the Com- stock ledge ata depth of 1,8981¢ feet below the point of the croppings. The estimated cost, when completed, $4,418,329.50. The work is being pushed ahead vigorously, and 18,762 feet had been completed at the commencement of the year 1878, andshould no unforeseen drawbacks take place, the tunnel will be completed and in operation within the present year. Near Mound House is a gypsum mine of good quality, large amounts of which are shipped to San Francisco.