AND PACIFIC COAST GUIDE. pletion of the Overland road, was the starting point—in stages—for Yo Semite Valley and all the bigtrees. But, by the building of the Visalia Division of ’ the “Central,” most, if not all, the travel for Yo Semite, Mariposa and the Tuolumna big tree groves, has taken that route, the distance By stage being much shorter. (See map of route, page 201.) Again, by the building of the Stockton & Visalia, and Stockton & Copperopolis railroads, all the travel for the Calaveras Big Tree Grove, go by that route. (See map.) For a description of the route to Yo Semite Valley and the Mariposa and Tuolumna big trees, (see under “ Visalia Division,” page 234). To CaLAVERAS Bia TREES—we will simply note the route, and refer to ANNEX No. 51, “ Book of Reference.’ Taking the 8. & V., and 8. & C. railroad at the depot of the “Central,” the route is east, six miles to Charleston, three more to Walthall two LIVERMORE PASS TUNNEL.—See page 200. more to Holden and four more to Peters, fifteen miles from Stockton. From Peters, a line branches off to the southeast. Taking that branch, it is five miles to Farmington, three more to Grigo, five to Clyde, four to Burnett’s and two more to Oak Dale, the end of the road, 34.4 miles from Stockton. Returning to Peters, it is seven miles to Waverly and eight more to Milton, the end of the road, 30 miles, from Stockton. Some travel leaves Milton for Yo Semite Valley, Chinese Camp, Big Oak Flat and the Tuo- lumne Big Trees; distance from Milton, 87 miles, Stages leave Milton regularly for Mur- phys, 80 miles; Sonora, 36 miles; Chinese Camp, 28 miles and all mining towns of note to the north and east. From Milton it is 45 miles to the Calaveras Big Tree Grove, via Murphys. Bie Trees—There has been, up to the present time, ten “Big Tree Groves”? dis- covered on the western slope of the Sierra