216 CROFUTT’S NEW OVERLAND TOURIST Exchange is in Leidsdorff street. Horse cars run to all important points in the city; fare, fivecents. Mission Bay istwo miles south of the City Hall. Market street is the Broadway of San Francisco, though Kearney street disputes the honor. The Palace Hotel is corner Market and New Montgomery streets ; (see description, “ ANNEX” No. 49,) the Baldwin Hotel, corner Powell and Market streets. The Cali- fornia Theatre is on Bush street, also the Bush street Theatre. The Baldwin (Thea- tre) is on the corner of Market and Powell streets. There are three Chinese Theatres, where many of the “tricks that are vain,” are performed nightly, which few can under- stand, yet they are worth one visit. WATER forthe city’s use is obtained from Pillarcitos Creek, 20 miles south of the city, in San Mateo county; Lake Honda, five miles south, being used asa reservoir. Yet there are many wells, the water being ele- vated by wind-mills. The LrpraRIEs arenumerous. The Mercantile, on Bush street; the Odd Fel- lows, on Montgomery street; the Me chanics’ Institute, on Post street; the What Cheer, at the “ What Cheer House,” and the Young Men’s Christian Association, are the principal ones, open free to tourists upon application. SrcrET ORDERS are numerous in San Francisco—too numerous to note here. The Baldwin Hotel, under the manage- ment of Rice, is a perfect gem of a house and the beau-ideal of a “Happy Hunting Ground.” The magnificent views of Cape Horn, on the Columbia River, Mt. Shasta, the Loop, Orange Orchard, Woman of the Period, and many others in this book were, photographed by C. E. Watkins, 26 Mont- gomery street, who has an enormous col- lection of views. The views of Mirror Lake,. Nevada Falls, and many of those on the line of the Central Pacific, which we have engraved and are to be found in this book, were from photographs taken by Thos. Houseworth & Co., No. 12 Mont- gomery street, who have views, seemingly, of every thing and every body on the coast. Tae Mecmanics’ Pavriion fronts on Geary street, and covers one block of ground, The Mechanics’ Institute own the building, and hold their fairs there. Tur Dry Dock, at Hunter’s Point, six miles southeast, is 465 feet long, 125 feet wide and 40 feet deep, cut in solid rock, at a cost of $1,200,000. ProtreRo Sure Yarps are located at Protrero, and are reached by the city cars. All kinds of small craft for the coast service are built at these yards. Cuina Town is situated on Sacramento, above Kearny; Dupont, between Sacra- mento and Washington streets, and Jack- son street, between Dupont and Kearny. These streets are occupied exclusively by Celestial shopkeepers, “ Heathen Chinese.” THE BarBaRy Coast, a noted resort for thieves, cut-throats -and the vilest of the vile, is situated on Pacific street, between Kearny and Dupont streets. We give the precise locality, so that our readers may keepaway. Give ita“ wide berth,” as you value your life. ANGEL IsLaNnD, three miles north of the city, is a mile and a half in length and three-quarters of a mile wide; altitude 771 feet. On this island are quarries of brown and blue stone, which are extensively used in the city for building purposes. Goat IsLanp, or “ Yerba Buena,” two and a half miles east, nearly round, con- tains 350 acres; altitude, 340 feet. ALCATRAZ ISLAND, a mile and a quarter north, is strongly fortified. The summit is 140 feet above tide, surrounded by a belt of batteries, which command the entrance to the harbor—a “ key to the position.”” These islands are all owned by the Government. Port Lapose is six miles west. Fort Pornt is northwest from the City Hall, five miles atthe south end of Golden Gate. It is the most heavily fortified on the coast—on the plan of Fort Sumter, in South Carolina. TELEGRAPH Hit, to the north, is 394 feet high. Russian Hu is 360 feet high. Cuiay Sr. Hr is 376 feet high. THE Twin Pxaks, four miles southwest, rise 1,200 feet. The visitor can obtain from the summit of these peaks a fine view cf the whole country for many miles around the Golden Gate, and the Great Pacific Ocean. | FERRY-BOATS run regularly between San Francisco and Oakland, Alameda, San Quentin, Berkley, Sancelito. The general office of the “ Central” and Southern Pacific railroad companies is cor. Townsend and Fourth streets, on the south side of the city; several street car lines run by them. The Seal Rocks are six miles west, reached by a beautiful road. SreaMERs leaveregularly for Vallejo, 26 etaluma, 48; Santa miles; Benicia, 30;