THESE WORLD-RENOWED | PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS ARE NOW RUNNING BETWEEN Council Bluffs and Chicago, On the OMAHA AND CALIFORNIA TRAINS of the CHICAGO @ NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY, i] = SSS gy e-and will take no other. All Ticket agents can sell you Through Tickets and Check usual Baggage Free by this line. California Express Trains of the CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. third Saturday) and reach Chicago the next afternoon. =—uUllman Extotel Care Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over this Road. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations, you will buy your Tickets by this Route. Are now running regularly between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO on the 3 shed l Interior of Pullman Motel Car. The Chicago & North-Western Railway is the only road that runs Pullman’ or any other form of Hotel, Dining or Restaurant Car OUGH between Chicago and the Missouri River. BRIA ITN BAIN D! No other Road runs Puriuman Horen Cars, Putuman Dinine Cars, or any other form of Hotel, Dining or Restaurant cars THROUGH between the MISSOURI RIVER and CHICAGO. On no other Road can you get all the meals you require between OMAHA and CHICAGO without leaving the car you startin. This is the only line that has THROUGH Eating Cars of any sort. THROUGH TICKETS via this Route to all Hastern Points, can be procured at the Central Pacific Railroad Ticket Office, foot of Market Street, and at 2 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, oes at all Coupon Ticket Offices of Central Pacifie and Union Pacific Railroad. H. P. STANWOOD General Agent for California, NO. 2 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, in Palace Hotel. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this Roa East-bound, they leaye Council Blufis at 5:30 p. um. daily, except Saturday,(and on every