TELE GRAPHIC. * Invitation from Chicago. Chicago, May 28d, 1870. To Gro. M. PULLMAN, Esq., Albany A] In charge of Excursion Party from Boston to San Francisco. j In behalf of the Board of Trade of Chi- cago, Iam instructed to extend an invi- tation to the party in your charge to stay this city, as our guests, from Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning, or long- er if they can. Be pleased to communi- sate this invitation to the party and their answer to us as Soon as possible. S. TL. McCrea, Pres. Board of Trade, Chicago. Answer. S. H. McCrea, Esa., 1 Pres. Board of Trade, Chicago. Telegram received. ALEX. Hf. Rick President Boston Board of Trade, replies as follows: Thanks for your generous invitation. We shall take great pleasure in meeting you and your associates, but regret that the lateness of our arrival and early de- parture will prevent the acceptance of formal attention from your Board. We hope for a longer stay at Chicago on our return from the Pacific. ea pe Boston, May 23d.—At 5 o’clock this P. M. a brick wall at the corner of ' Kaston avenue and Commercial street: fell and covered five men who were at work in a cellar close by. Jeremiah Sullivan, Patrick Hearn, and Michael Mulligan were instantly killed. and John and Thomas Sheehan, brothers, and Lyman Boynton were seriously in- jured. Athletics of Philadelphia beat Har- vard Base Ball Club 20 to 8 to-day. Enos Briggs, senior partner of Briges «& Co,, crockery dealers, died this A. M. Wenborn is without a post office, gro- cery and dry good store, all haying been destroyed by a fire this morning. Toss heavy. New York, May 23.—Money worked with extreme ease this afternoon, and loans were made to large government dealers as low as 3 per cent. Bulk of bu- siness, however, done at 4, and at 4 and 5on railway collaterals. Sterling from 1098¢ to 1098¢ for bankers’ bills. Gold steady since last report at decline, clos- ing at 114. “ROCHESTER, May 23.——-—__ Officers of Union Pacifie Railway. Hon. Oliver Ames, President, John Dutf, Vice President, John §. M. Williams, Treasurer. E. WH. Rollins, Asst. Treasurer and Sec, Gen. G. M. Dodge, Chief Engineer, Col. 8. Seymour, Consulting Engineer. J. M. Wam, General Accountant. Gol. C, G. Hammond, Gent, Supt. . W. Mead, Asst. Genl. Supt, J. Budd, Genl. Ticket Agent. H. Bronson, Genl. Frt. Agent. S. H. H. Clark, Purchasing Agent. (ae ee el Op Officers of Central Pacifie R’y Hon. Leland Stanford, President. Cc. P. Huntington, Vice President. Mark Hopkins, Treasurer. EK. B. Crocker, Atty and Gen’] Agent, KE. H. Miller, Jv., Secretary, W. H. Porter, Cashier, S. S. Montague, Chief Engineer. B. B. Redding, Land Commissioner, Albion N. Towne, Genl. Supt. John Corning, Asst. Genl. Supt. az H. Goo Cone Irt. es ASS. eo THE PULLMAN PACIFIC aR Compy, CAPITAL, $1,000,060. (sno, M. PULLMAN, Pres. & Gen. Man. C. W, ANGELL, Secretary. I.. M. Bennett, Supt. DIRECTORS Geo. M. Pullman, Sidney. Dillon, Oliver Ames. C. S. Bushnell. Andrew Carnegie, Gen. Offices, 102 Michigan Ave., Chicago.