country. At4P. M. forty-six ladies and gentlemen left for the Yo-Semite Valley by way of Mariposa, and about sixty others left forthe Geysers. The former spent the night at Stockton, the latter at Calistoga Springs. Wednesday, June 8th, the Yo-Semite party rode to Snelling’s, sixty miles through the dust of the San Joaquin plains. The visitors to the Geysers spent avery pleasant day near those interest- ing curiosities. Foss, the world-re- nowned driver, handled his six horses with his accustomed skill, and the vari- ous wagons all made good time, and went without accident of any kind. Thursday, Jane 9th, the Yo Semite par- ty rode 32 miles to Mariposa, where a portion remained until the following day; others rode on twelve miles to White and Hatch’s—a very neat ranch- house, quietly nestled in the midst of a pine forest, among the foot-hills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Our second division left the Geysers soon after sunrise, dined at Calistoga Springs and returned by rail through the beautiful Napa Valley to Vallejo, whence by steamer New World, they returned to San Francisco, much pleased with their trip. TELEGRAPHIC. Boston, June 22.—Charles Wolcott Brooks:—When is the Boston Excursion train due at Chicago, on its return? E, H. Sampson will leave here in season to meet you at that point. GEO. O. CARPENTER. i [Sent by Telegraph] BosToN EXCURSION TRAIN, June 25.— Hon. B. B. Styles, Mayor, etc., Denver, Solorado:—The Boston Excursion party present thanks for your hearty invita- tion to visit Denver, and regret their inability to avail themselves of the plea- sure which such a visit would afford. ALEX. H. RIck, President. en, —____ — The proprietors of the Grand Hotel - gave those of our party stopping at their house a farewell dinner, and supplied their table with a bountiful supply of California wines, before their departure. Every thing was delightfully cooked, and served in the best manner, and uni- versal satisfaction was expressed by the recipients of this thoughtful and ecom- plimentary attention. ep ____ —We invite attention to the card of the Pontoosac Woolen Manufacturing Co.,in another column. The fine blan- kets used by the Pullman Palace Car Co. are manufactured at this establishment. T. Clapp, Esq., is the agent at San Fran- eisco, [ OUR PARTY. The following list of names compose the party from the Boston Board of Trade, now on an excursion to the Pacific coast: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Hon. Alex. H. Riee, Maj. George P. Denny, Hon. J. M. S. Williams, Jas. W. Bliss. Edward W. Frederick Allen and wife, H.S. Barry Miss JosieW. Bliss, Kinsley. Mrs. C. A. Kinsley, Addie P. Kinsley, Mary L. Kinsley, Chas. 8. Kendail, Hon. John B. BrownMiss M. C. Lov ejoy, and wife, E. W. Burr and son. John L. Bremer. Geo. D. Baldwin and wife. Miss L. E. Billings. Chas. W. Brooks. M.S. Bolles. Alvah Crocker and wife. John Lewis, Jas. Longley and. wife, Geo. My: rick and wife, Col. L. B. Marsh and wife. C. F. McClure and wife Joseph Mcintire, Sterne Morse, Mrs. F.CunninghamFulton Paul, Thos, Dana, Miss M. E. Dana. F. H. Peabody, wife and serv’t, Mrs. Thos. Dana. 2d Miss F. Peabody, Mrs. Geo. P. Denny,Miss L. Peabody, Arthur B. Denny, Cyrus Dupee and wife. John H. Eastburn and wife. Robt. B. Forbes and wife. J.S. Fogg. Mrs. E. E. Poole. Misses Farnsworth, Robert O, Fuller. J. Warren Faxon. N. W. Farwell and wife. Mary E. Farwell. Evelyn A. Farwell. Curtis Guild and wife. C. L. Harding and wife. Miss N. Harding. Edgar Harding. J. F. Hunnewell. J. F. Heustis. W.S. Houghton. and wife. D. C. Holder ana wife. Miss C, Harrington. A. L. Haskell and wife. Miss Alice J. Haley. J. M. Haskell and wife. H. O. Houghton and wife. John Humphrey. Harnilton. A. Hill and wife. Benjamin James, Cc. F. Kittredge, Mast. F. E. Peabody, Rey. E. G. Porter. Miss M. F. Prentiss. James W. Roberts. and wife. Wm. Roberts. Josiah Reed. Ss. B. Rindge and wife. Mast. F. H. Rindge, J. M. B. Reynolds and wife. John H, Rice. Hon. Ste. Salisbury, M.S. Stetson and wife, D. R. SortweH and wife. Alvin Sortwell, bi H. Shay eigh, T. Albert aylor and wife, E. B. Towne, Lawson Valentine and wife. Miss Valentine. Rey. R.C.Waterston and wife. i Williams. Dr. H. W. Williams and wife. N. D. Whitney and wife. JudgeG. W. Warren, Geo. A. W adley and wife. Henry JT. Woods. Mrs.J.M.S.Williams. Miss EK. M. Williams. Miss (. T. Williams. J. Bert. Williams, ——___—- 40 SAN FRANCISCO, June 25.—Gold in New York at 11 A. M. 11114, The trade riot in Cork still continued; great excitement, hand-to-hand fight- ing, several Constables wounded. The thermometer stood at 90 in Chi- cago yesterday. The ship Mercurius, from San_ Fran-_ has been wrecked off cisco to Liverpool the eoast of Brazil. War has again broken cut in Mexico Guaymas has been captured, together with a large amount of money. BUSINESS CARDS. SUMMER HEAD DRESS THOSE WHO DESIRE THE BEST HATS! Are invited to call at BREWSTER’S, Under the Sherman House, Chicago. | c. T. BELDING & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Men’s. Boys’ and Childrens* CHhOTHIN G! Our Styles are the latest and our Prices Reasonable. G. T. BELDING & CO., 96 and 98 RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO. AUZERAIS HOUSE, San Jose, California. J. M. STAPLES & SONS, Proprietors. Visitors and pleasure seekers will find this a first-class Hotel in every respect. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS ON THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD And all parts of the PACEFIC COAST, Published by THOS. HOUSEWORTH & CO., 317 Montgomery Street., San lmiaieind JAPANESE AND CHINESE GOODS AND CURIOS, 609 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. The largest variety of rare and curious Goods in this line ever offered in the United States, wholesale or retail. New importations by every steamer, WM. HASELTINE & CoO. PONTOOSUC Woolen Manufacturing Company, T. CLAPP, Agent, San Francisco, MANUFACTURERS OF SLEEPING CAR BLANKETS, Pittsfield, Mass. L. HOWARD & CO., Hartford, Conn. JAS, Agents, A. W.SISSON. W.H. WALLACE, Si Wallace & Co., Wholesale and retail dealers in sson, General Merchandise AND AGTS. FOR CHINESE LABOR. Stores on line of C. P.R. R. at Truckee, Winnemucca, Carlin, Cedar Pass and Toano, PRIN. OFFICE, No 12 J St., SACRAMENTO (Brannan House.) C.W. CROCKER, D. A.BENDER.,