Acknowledgments to Sam. Miller. The arrangements necessary for the transportation and accommodation of our party, on the excursion from Stock- ton to Yosemite Valley and back, were made with Samuel Miller, agent at San Francisco, and were faithfully carried out according to contract, in a manner highly satisfactory to all concerned. The guides furnished us were good and reliable men, and as our party is said to have been the largest in number ever taken into the valley, the energy so suc- cessfully displayed in the arrangements both by him and Mr. Magner, of Stock- ton, are the more praiseworthy. We therefore take pleasure in commending the facilities which Mr. Miller ofiers to travellers requiring a similar service. (a —On Saturday evening, between Reno and Wadsworth, we ran a distance of twenty-eight miles in forty-four min- utes, BUSINESS CARDS. ~ COMMERCIAL CREDITS, FOR USE_IN EUROPE, CHINA, JAPAN, The East and West Indies, and South America, on the Bank of British North America, LONDON, Issued on the most favorable terms, by BLAKE BROS. & CO., 28, State Street, Boston. _ The Bank has agencies in New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Quebec, and the British Provinces, and has as corres- pondentsthe Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, China and Japan, The Oriental Bank Corporation, the Agra Bank, the Colonial Bank, &e. -KIDDER, PEABODY & Co., BANKERS, NO. 40, STATE STREET, BOSTON. Bills of Exchange drawn, Travelling and Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in all the Principal Cities of Europe and the East. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, &¢., bought and sold. FRANK WILKINS, LATE ACTING BRITISH CONSUL, No. 30, enue Block, (P. O. Drawer, 6109.) CHICAGO, LULL. Prompt attention given to Estate Set- tlements, Collections and Law Business in Great Britain and the Colonies. Sterling Exchange bought and sold, and Tickets furnished to and from all parts of Burope. AUZERAIS HoussE, San Jose, California. J. M. STAPLES & SGNS, Proprietors. Visitors and pleasure seekers will find this a first-class Hotel in every respect. [Special Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved February 19th, 1870.] GRAND GIFT CONCERT, IN AID OF THE Mercantile Library Association, AT THE MECHANICS’ PAVILION, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., SEPTEMBER ist, 1870. TICKETS OF ADMISSION, $5 EACH, GOLD COIN. The holder of a whole Ticket, or five coupons, will be entitled to admission to the Concert, and to the whole amount of the Gift awarded to it. The holder of each coupon will be entitled to admission to the Concert and to one fifth of any gift that may be awarded to such ticket. 200,000 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD At Five Dollars each in Gold Coin. Treasurer, Bank of California, During the entertainment, the sum of $500,000 IN U. S. GOLD COIN ‘Will be returned to the holders of Tick- ets, by the distribution by chance of the following GIFTS: 1 Gift of $100,000 Gold 1 Gift of - 50,000 * 1 Gift of 25,000‘ 1 Gift of 20,000“ 1 Gift of 19,000“ 1 Gift of 18,000“ 1 Gift of 17,000“ 1 Gift of 16,000“ 1Giftof . : : 15,000 ** 1 Gift of : oe 14,000 “* 1Gift of . ; , 13,000‘ 1 Gift of 12,000 * 1Giftof . . . 11,000“ 1 Gift of . . 10,000“ 1Giftof . : 9,000“ 1 Gift of : : 8,000 1Giftof . . 7,000 1 Gilt of . 6,000 1 Gift of 5,000“ 1 Gift of 4,000 * 1Giftof . . . 3,000“ 1 Gift of , . 2,000“ 1Giftof . , , : 1,500 * 10 Gifts of $1,000 each . 10,000‘ 20 Gifts of 750 each 15,000“ 20 Gifts of 500 each 10,000 30 Gifts of 400 each 12,000“ 50 Gifts of 300 each 15,000 “* 50 Gifts of 200 each 10,000‘ 425 Gifts of | 100 each 42,500 “ 628 Gifts in all $500,000 After paying the expenses of the en- tertainment, and making the distribu- tion of the gifts as above announced, the balance will be applied to extinguishing the present indebtedness of the Mercan- tile Library Association. The Concert and distribution will take place under the immediate direction of the Board of Trustees of the Mercantile Library Asso- ciation, assisted by a Supervisory Com- mittee, selected from State, City and County Officers, and well-known citizens of San Francisco. Holders of Tickets to which gifts may be awarded, will receive the same on presentation of such 'Tick- ets or Coupons to the Business Agents of the Board of Trustees, at their office, 318 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Orders for Tickets, post paid, accom- panied by remittances will meet with prompt attention. MAURICE DORE & CHARLES R. PETERS, 318 California St., Business Agents for the sale of Tick- ets, to whom all communications may be addressed. ROBT. B. SWAIN, President M. L. A. WM. C. RALSTON, Treasurer “ W.H. L. BARNES, Vice-Pres’t “ THOS. R. HAYES, Rec. See’y “ DAVID WILDER, Cor. Sec’y “ Trustees M. L. A.—Wm. Ashburner Isaac Wormser, J. M. McNulty, Alfre P. Elfelt, Arthur M. Ebbets, Wm. G. Badger, Wm. E. Wood, F. B. Reynolds, Samuel Hubbard. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, San Hrancisco, California. HALEY & PATTEN, Proprietors. The leading Hotel of the Pacific Coast, having all the modern improvements, including one of Miller’s Patent Safe- ty Passenger Car Elevators. PONTOOSUC Woolen Manufacturing Company, T. CLAPP, Agent, San Francisco, MANUFACTURERS OF SLEEPING CAR BLANKETS, Pittsfield, Mass. JAS. L. HOWARD & CO., Agents, | Hartford, Conn. A. W.SISSON. W.H. WALLACE. Wallace & Co., Wholesale and retail dealers in General Merchandise AND AGTS. FOR CHINESE LABOR. Sissen, Stores on line of C. P.R. R. at Truckee Winnemucea, Carlin, Cedar Pass and Toano. PRIN. OFFICE, No 12 J St., SACRAMENTO . (Brannan House.) C.W. CROCKER. D, A.BENDER. GEORGE C. SHREVE & CO., Dealers in FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE No 110 MONTGOMERY STREET., (Occidental Hotel Block,) SAN FRANCISCO. Kohler & Frohling, Growers of and Dealers in California Wines and Brandy, 626 MONTGOMERY STREET, (Basement Montgomery Block,) SAN FRANCISCO. Agency in New York, Rennet, Prosch & Co.,26 and 28 Vesey St. Agency in Chicago, Rottner, Lembcke & Co., 129 South Clark St. BANK OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL, - $5,000,000 IN GOLD. Principal Office, San Francisco. D. O. MILLs, President. Wa. C. RALSTON, Cashi