BITS FOR CHANGE. OUR PARTY. While at San Francisco, many of our party observed what is certainly astrik- ing characteristic of an early custom still remaining in California. When a single copy of a certain morning paper was purchased of news-boys for nomin- ally ‘‘one bit” they received a 25 cent piece, and returned a dime and a paper, thus really taking 15 cts. for a single copy of a paper, whose published sub- coast : EXECUTIVE Maj. George cription price was 12144 cts. a week. a This results from the fact that a dime] q, s. Barry. is the smallest coin in circulation | Miss Josie'W. Bliss, throughout the West Coast. hf —FEager friends, who were in waiting to meet our excursionists on their re- turn, were somewhat surprised and de- lighted to see bronzed faces and rugged looks in place of the delicate ones, from which they had separated but a few weeks before. Our excursionists have returned without a single case of serious illness, having been in the enjoyment of uninterrupted good health. p> — —The little antelope, brought on board our train between Laramie Plains and the Rocky Mountains, after riding with us 2,000 miles, was taken sick at Fram- ingham, when only twenty miles from Boston. He was left in careful hands to recuperate if possible, and to be for- warded, should he recover, to Hon, Alex- ander H. Rice, our President. and wife, E, W. Burr and son, John L. Bremer. Geo. D. Baldwin and wife. Miss L. E. Billings. Chas. W. Brooks. M.S. Bolles. Alyah Crocker and wife. Thos. Dana. Miss M. E. Dana. Mrs. Thos. Dana. 2d Arthur B. Denny, Cyrus Dupee and wife. John H. Eastburn and wife, Robt. B. Forbes and wife, J.S. Foge, Mrs. E. E. Poole, Misses Farnsworth, Robert O. Fuller, J. Warren Faxon, N. W. Farwell and wife. Mary E. Farwell. Evelyn A. Farwel.. Curtis Guild and wife. C. L. Harding and wife. Miss N. Harding. Edgar Harding. J. F. Hunnewell. J. F. Heustis. W.S. Houghton. and wife. D. C. Holder and wife. Miss C. Harrington. A. L. Haskell and. wife. Miss Alice J. Haley. J. M. Haskell and wife. H. O. Houghton and wife. John Humphrey. Hamilton. A. Hill and wife. Benjamin James, C. F. Kittredge, BUSINESS CARDS. ADAMS HOUSE, Corner Michigan Avenue and Lake St., CHICAGO. PEARCE & BENJAMIN, Proprietors. J. I, Pearce. S. S. Benjamin. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, San Francisco, California. HALEY & PATTEN, Proprietors. The leading Hotel of the Pacific Coast, having all the modern improvements, including one of Miller’s Patent Safe- ty Passenger Car Elevators. GILES, BROTHER & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Jobbers of Fine Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Solid Silver Ware, Silver Plaied Ware. Sales Rooms of the United States Watch Co. Manufacturers of all grades of American Watches, Pendant inders, and Key Winders, 142 Lake Street, Chicago. ee of U. S. Watch Co., Marion, . * C. W. Mead, Asst. The following list of names compose the party from the Boston Board of Trade, now on an excursion to the Pacific COMMITTEE. Hon. Alex. H. Rice, P. Denny. Hon. J. M. S. Williams, Jas. W. Bliss, Edward W. Kinsley. Mrs. C. A. Kinsley, Addie P. Kinsley, Mary L. Kinsley, Chas. S. Kendall, Hon. John B, BrownMiss M. C. Lovejoy, John Lewis, Jas. Longley and wife, Geo. Myrick and wife, Col. L. B. Marsh and wife. C. F. McClure and wife Joseph MciIntire, Sterne Morse, Mrs. F.CunninghamFulton Paul F. H. Peabody, wife and serv’t, Miss F. Peabody, Mrs. Geo. P. Denny,Miss L. Peabody, Mast. F. E. Peabody, Rey. E. G. Porter. Miss M. F. Prentiss. James W. Roberts. and wife. Wm. Roberts. Josiah Reed. S. B. Rindge and wife. Mast. F. H. Rindge, J. M. B. Reynolds and wife. John H. Rice. Hon. Ste. Salisbury, M.S. Stetson and wife, D. R. Sortwell, and wife. Alvin Sortwell, F. H. Shapleigh, T. Albert Taylor and wife, E. B. Towne, Lawson Valentine and wife. Miss Valentine. Rev.R.C.Waterston and wife, A. Williams. Dr. H.W. Williams and wife. N. D. Whitney and wife. JudgeG. W. Warren, Geo. A. Wadley and wife. Henry T. Woods. Mrs.J.M.S.Williams. Miss E. M. Williams. Miss C. T. Williams, J. Bert. Williams. —____~