Hq. 130^(th) F.A., American E.F., 30^(th) November, 1918. FRENCH COMMUNIQUE: -Via Radio- Germany is not starving. –From Zurich:- It is confirmed from a good source that the food situation in Germany is much less critical than one would believe from the pressing appeals of Doctor Solf. Germany has supplies up to next April if the actual reserves of the army are distributed to civilians. These reserves, which had been very slightly reduced during October for supplying the inland country, have been completed again since the last harvest and had been reduced only in a minor proportion. Therefore, there must not be any starvation for the winter in Germany if the people are strictly rationed and if the distribution of food between the different states is made with method and regularity. The Germans expiate their fault of 1871. –From Berne- The Germans are beginning to understand that the Alsatians and the people of Lorraine are making a plebiscite in their own way. The Popular Gazett of Cologne mentions with anger the hated way in which the German troops were treated when they had to re-cross Lorraine to get back to their homes and what an indignant sight Sarreguemines made offering the appearance of a French town celebrating a national holiday. In the Dutsche Zeitung Professor Dietrich Schaff, writes that we must admit that the vanquishers of 1871 have committed a grave mistake in taking Alsace and Lorraine, a mistake which Germany is nowadays expiating cruelly, for, as he says, if the French have fallen with honor in 1871 it is altogether different for us today for it must be that the sentiment of national honor is strange to us when Betchmann Hollweg had dared to propose to France at the beginning of the war to give up Toul and Epinal as guarantees of neutrality. Mr. Clemenceau’s visit to London. –From the Petit Parisian- Mr. Clemenceau is leaving Saturday night for London. He will be absent but a short time as he expect to be back in Paris to take part in the Ministers meeting of Tuesday. Marshal Foch, accompanied the French Premier, also Mr Stephen Pichon and Phillippe Betslot, assistant Director of Political affairs. The French Ministers will meet in London with the British Ministers, with Mr. Orlando and Mr. Sonnino, Colonel House. They will deliberate on the procedure to be adopted for the next inter-Allied conference. -----oOo-----