September 19, 1986.6 ss sak Sillideis Bdeetinn of batted, Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, lissouri.s Dear Tee Voltmers: may not carry throughs be tuak bo tha tnen, ยข au tetalins vaent the possibility of heving a clinie game here on Saturday, December Srde We ere playing the Oklahom Aggies at Stillwater at the dedication of their new ficld house with a seating capacity of 9,000, on Deceuber 9 and 10. Our Big Six coaches meeting is ee ee ct ie Seca ca ce te Deceuiber Sra, at ten o'clock in Kansas City at groups demonstrate the necessary fundementals and formations. We, of course, would be glad to have Coach Seott and his squad denon- as as es ck ee Oe ee ce a et te If he cou got togetiar and wort ant tw points tat he would care | . d stresse $a i 4 b 3 E a. bcs hak steel chee adi aaek 4 Oe Voltmers marriede cml CCT ee enough to ascertain which one it wase With kindest regards, I am } Director of Physical Edvur-" Versity thar? ~