STAFF J. H. StTEwartT Director and Business Manager of Athletics Mapison BELL Football Coach R. G. HIGGINBOTHAM Baseball Coach Freshman Football Coach CHARLES TRIGG Assistant Football Coach F. C. Baccus Basketball Coach Assistant Football Coach Assistant Baseball Coach Dr. LEE Brooxs Track Coach Dr. GERALD HuFr Tennis Coach L. B. MorGan Program, Concessions and Grounds SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS DALLAS, TEXAS February 25, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Jim St. Clair has shown me the correspondence that he has had with you recently with regard to a southern trip next year. We would like very much to have you here for a couple of games and would be glad to try to line. up games for you with Texas, Texas A. & M., Rice, etc. We would prefer to have you open with us here on Decem- ber 19th and 20th, if you could start your trip that early. With reference to gusrantees, I will state that for several years we have been exchenging games with the University of Oklehoma and have paid and received a guar- antee of $250.00 for a series of two games. We had a Similar set-up with Southern California on their tour through this section two years ago. I feel sure that it will be no trouble at all to work up a tour for you through Texas, getting you sufficient games to warrant the trip. I would be very glad to have your reaction to both the dates and the guarantee. With best wishes, I am sincerely yours, fh Ne Kee J. H. Stewart Director of Athletics JHS*AH