: Ciieneetty of Nebraska and Iowa State at Lincoln and Ames, March 1 and March 3, 1941 , The following 12 men made the trip: Coach Allen, Trainer Epeneret Saereze Allen, Engleman, Kline, Sollenberger, V,Hall, B,Hall, Hunter, Walker, Sanneman and Buescher, The tean left * Lawrence Feb. 28 and returned to Lawrence Mareh 4th. Merch lst Pullman Service ée.00, Breakfast at - Ldineoln $7.20 $9.20 Hotel and Meals : 46,10 Sellenbergers, Halls, Klines Families and Frosh, | 7.65 Glycolixir $1,553, Ace Bandages $1,53, : Medicine, Solly ©~2.10 516 Fruit -1. 280, Gun - .51, Drinks - 1.80, ee 9,01 Taxi to & from Pield House see, : Phones & Wires $1,20 5.60 $82.72 Mlareh 2nd Breakfast Zephyr Omaha $10.95 Show at Ames, Iowa | 4,80 Hotel & Meals, Ames 71,350 Pullman Service $2,00, Breakfast at Kansas City $7.35 9.35 Taxi, Law.-1,.80, Gum + .75, Fruit <-1,10, Papers = ,80 4.45 Lemons - ,80, Sugar < 15, Cotton= “ Jugs - «20, cough - .40 2,01 $102.86 I certify the above report is correct | ‘\ “Fele Unrvin Sollenborgor toomne £11 on the trip and roqszed nodiontions Pe na Oe