THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN December 6, 1938 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have called up the two leading hotels, The Austin Hotel, and the Driskill Hotel, and have asked that they write you, giving you the best rate. I told them you were willing to put two men to a bed and have two double beds to a room if they would give you the proper rate. The Driskill told me it would be about seventy-five cents per mane The Austin Hotel did not tell me what it would be. I am sure you will hear from both hotels in the near future, and I am sure that both are prepared to give you the accommodations and you would not make a mistake in stopping at either hotel. Looking forward to seeing you when you are here with your team, and with best wishes, I am, Yours very cordially, AX D. A. Bible DXB: RH