aS July 15, 1938. Mire Jack Gray Sasketbali Coach, University of Texas, Austin, ; ; * Dear Here Grey: 2 em to have your good letter of the éth instant it | sseetineh Saicetaties te tone tape ak tates ae Ts The 80 ef course it would not be bringing Mite Quigley down for just fire g ATs Ae ume He he a a % wtutiing senha locality and the nan wore from the home tean’s locality. ‘his was contimed for prune ¢ | aifferences were ironed out, but now the feotbell interpretation hes ‘beeome so uniform that they selest all four officials from the . territery in whieh the game is slayeds 7 , I believe basketball still lacks that sniinrey, one 18 the futnve I think it will be very easy to take care the football is now being teken care of. But for the presen lieve it would be a fine thing to have one officiel from each section. Ana too, we can heré@ly call lr. Guigley a sectional officiel since he works football, basketbali ané@d baseball games 211 over the United Statese i a 5 fi Ne Fe