© Southern Methodist Cniversity Dallas, Texas May 11, 1938 Mr. Phog Allien Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence ,Kansas Dear Mr. Allens I think that the suggestion in your letter of May 6 is the best thing to do. I am turning over your letter today to Mr. Stewart. Last week I had a talk with Mr. Mike Brumbelow, bas- ketball coach of T.C.U., and he said that they might be able to give you one game but the guarantee would be very low because basketball in that school has run down until it would be impossible for them to make you a good offer. However, he is going to have a better club another year and he suggests that you write Howard Grubbs, business manager of T.C.U. in Ft. Worth. Had you thought about playing Centenary at Shreve- port on your trip? You will recall that Curtis Parker is one of our Rules Committee Members and coaches there. Shreveport would be enroute to New Orleans from this vicinity. Very truly yours, PFA. Clan W. St. Clair. jws/m