Che National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs RC A Building - 30 Rorkefeller Plaza Nets Work July 19th '38. Dr.F.C.Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. Dear"Phog"; Yours of the I5th inst at hend and you did write me on the 23rd of June relative to the Texas Univ. and 5.M.U. games and also concerning the Okla.A.& M. games December 9th and [Oth at Stillwater and February 9th at Law- rence. As to the Texas games "Phog" I did not discuss them with you for the reason that I did not know whether or not there would be a base ball Rules Committe meeting the coming fall when there will be an annual joint session of the two Major Leagues. This meeting will start at noon Dec. I3th in New York City and in all likelihood I will be back here at that time. If it so develops that the part of the work that I will have to do can be done at another time---previous to that date----that will not be decided until after the Worlds Series so you see that the best way for me to do so as not to disappoint anyone would be to just let these dates slide even tho you know that I appreciate your consideration of me in the matter in a way that words can't express and I want you to know that I am always mindful of your very kind thoughts of me in the matter of my work. I do hope that my not accepting these dates this winter,in Texas,will not operate against my serving you when the games are played next winter at Lawrence. The Rules Committe hasn't met for seven years and likely will not meet for sometime again after this year. In the matter of the Oklahoma Aggie dates namely; December 9th and 10th at Stillwater I have been asked by Iba to serve in the two Kansas games but no date mentioned; I'll be at Lawrence the 9th of February. Thanks: I saw the three dates listed somewhere when I was out west the latter part of May and I just jotted them down. Cord ECQ:ms