ie . ¥ chita Us A & B Teams vse Kansas A & B Teams at Wichite, Ks oe ‘ Febe 3, 1941 i ae ce «Due to semester vacation, the squad eonsiating. of 18 a oe 4m the party left L 20, Sunday A.Me, February 2nd, staying i ee Sunday and Monday nights in Wichite returning to Lawrence Tues- oa . day afternoon. the equede 606 ae the diner going and comings oe The following nen adie the trip: Coach Allen, Trainer a Mth; pleyers: ~ Engleman, Allen, Kline, Hogben, Hunter, : Sollenberger, V.Hall, Eelall, Walker, Senneman, Arnold, Miller, _ Buescher, Bleir, Hensley, and Wise. Sunday noon meal on diner $18.36 Show Sunday night, vichite 9.75 | 2 nights hotel, 6 meals (Sunday 163.00 night including Tues. AeMe) faxi 2 days Yichite and Lawrence 12.80 (Practice and game) Tuesday noon meal on diner 18036 a Dinner Dance Blue Moon - KW Squed Fichite Co-ed } Drinks-2 70, Fruit-1.65, Gum- 75, Phones and wires-1.85, Incid.-1.45 I certify the above report is correct oe PeS dance rranged by the authorities of Wichita - - os University and a Wichita Boosters Club and it was impossible ee o to decline should we have cared to do sos The Blue Hoon wag _ lecated 5 miles outside of Wichita and the cab fare was $1.05 | Pe Co Ae