Wichite Us A & B Teams vse Kansas A & B Teams at Wichite, Ks a Febe 3, 1941 < | Due to semester vacation, the equad consisting of 18 in the party left Lawrence, Sunday Acie, February 2nd, steying Sunday end Monday nights in Wichita returning to Lawrence Tucs- day afternoone The squads ate on the diner going and comings The following won made the trip: Coach Allen, Trainer Nesmith; pleyere= Engleman, “llen, Kline, Hogben, Hunter, Sollenberger, VeHall, Esllal ly Yalker, Senneman, Arnold, Miller, Buescher, Blair, Hensley, and Wises Sunday noon meel on diner $18.36 Show Sunday night, “ichita 9675 2 nights hotel, 6 meals (Sundey § 163-00 night including Tuegs AeMe) fexi 2 days Vichite and Lewrence 12.80 (Practice end game) Tuesday noon meal on diner 18636 Dinner Dance Blve Moon « KUsSqued Wichita Co-ed) ae Drinks-2.70, Fruite1.65, Gume e175, . Phones end wires-1.85, Incide-1.45 8.40 $257.52 — I certify the above report is correct PeSe The dinner dance wis arranged by the authorities of Wichita University and the Wichita Boosters Club and it was impossible te decline should we have cared to do soe The Blue Moon was Zaares F attne Outeldy af Vichite and the ehd sare wie $1—08 each waye | Pe Co Ae