Mye Gwinn Heury Director of Athletics Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansag Dear Geim: I wish to recomend the following men for # Varsity K in Basketbell for the season 1940841, In my opinion these chaps have done the near impossiblee I personally bad rated our chances for only fourth piace in the Conferences; however, these boys doggedly refused to get whipped and did something I thought they could not doe For that reason I believe that they deserve exeeptional praise and am recommending the following men for a Varsity letters Howard ngleman - a Marvin Sollenberger John Kline Forman Samenan Bob Allen : John Buescher Te Pe Hunter Cherles talker Jim Arnold | Venee Heli - Bd. ll Tam also recommending Diek Willer for e provisional Z~. In addition to this, I am sending the retommendationa of Gordon Gray to you for the Freshmen everd in Sasketballe I am adding MY OekXe and wieh to say that in my opinion that Gordon Gray has done en exceptional job not only in ccathing these boys but in developing esprit de corps that ie most commendble. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical paucation’ and Recreation Varsity Basketball and baseball Coach