JOWN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. June 3, 1941 ' Dr, Forrest C, Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am attaching check for March issue. Sorry to be so late with it. I want to thank you for helping us out with the March issue. Yours very truly, John L, Griffith, Jr. JLG:MA dune Sth, 1941 Ur. John low Griffith, dre The Athletic Journal 6858 Glenwood Avenue Chicago, Ill. Dear Mr. Griffith: This will mcknowledge receipt of your letter of June 3rd, in which you inclose check for the sum of fifteen dollars, same being - article in your March issue. I wish to thank you very much for this remittance. Sincerely, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. April 8, 1941 lire John Le Griffith, Jte The Athletic Journal 6858 Glemwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois Dear Ure Griffiths If it is convenient I would thank you to send me the honorarium for writing the article entitled, “twenty Years of Gains and Changes in Basketball" for the Athletic Journal, I would appreciate an early responses Thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, firector of Physical Biucation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAsig May Slet, 1941 Ere John L. Griffith, Jr. he Athletic Journal 6858 Glenwood Avenue Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr, Griphitin. In my letter iio you as of April 8th, I wrote you asking for my check of fifteen dollars which is past due. I am endeavor- ing to get all of these financial matters closed 7 before the close of the academic year. I would appreciate it very much if you would mail me your check for the article, which I wrote _— ago for your Athletic Journal. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. lr, John Le Griffith, Jre, The Athletic Journal, 6858 Glemwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinoiss Dear Mr. Griffith: Your letter of July 14th addressed to the Business Menager hes been referred to me, since We Leseey Srteree 9 Sae-pey aneriy ties te the Athletic Journel. You mention that in your files you find re nay bug 8 nor porns gence Mang poratione That cieackiak ix isldinetan 46 teen whe subscription sent to the Physical Education Corporations Thanking you for calling our attention to this matter, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. s JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. July 14, 1941 Institution's Business Office University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your order No. 139, This order is for a two-year subscription to be sent to Physical Education Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, On checking our files we find that on May 7, 1940 we received a three-year subscription for the Physical Education Corporation. This subscription was dated back to January 1940 and reads January 1940-1943, Before entering your order No. 139 we thought it best to write and ask you if you wanted an additional two years added to the subscription now reading January 1940- (1943 or whether you wanted a separate subscription for two years beginning with the September 1941 issue, We publish ten times a year September through June. Yours, very Arpty, Soff Z . i t ly, o / 4 i ; - : oe Si / Sonn L, GryfAth, jt iy JLGSMA August 29, 1941. ) 6858 Glenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinoiss Dear Mr. Preys ee ee ee since his return from Town. There is to be a wedding in the Allen family in the very near future and it is my belief that Dr. Allen has been kept very definitely on the go in and out of Lawrence since his return, : Your letter did not arrive in time for Dr. Allen to prepare sugh an article as he wuld desire to write. When is the next issue of the Athletic Journal? Will you be kind enough to state in your letter the sub- ject of the article you desire? Dr. Allen did remember — talking with you but he was expecting that you would in- | — in your letter what you wished him to write a | e I regret that it is impossible in the short time left to get the article te you for this issue. Sincerely yours, h : Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allen. 1941-42 OFFICERS President, Lloyd Stein, Minn. U. 1st V. P., John Kelly, New York U. 2nd V. P., Henry Schmidt, Santa Clara U. 3rd V. P., Wilbur Bohm, Wash. St. Col. Executive Sec. & Treas. Bill Frey TRUSTEES Eugene Young, Notre Dame Roland Logan, West Point Military Jack Stuart, Alabama Jake Weber, Fordham Ray Roberts, Michigan John Heppinstall, Michigan State College Charles Striplin, L. S. U. STATE MANAGERS Ohio, Jay Colville, Miami U. Tucker Smith, Ohio State Kentucky, Frank Mann, U. of Ky. Tenn., Mickey O’Brien Miss. Ala., Jack Stuart Ga., Fritz Lutz Fla., Wm. Dayton, U. of Miami N. Hamp., : Vermont Mass., John Noonan, Harvard Conn., S. Witkowski, Wesleyan U., Dom Frank, Yale U. John Kelly, N. Y. U., Frank Kavanagh, Cornell N.Y Roland Logan, West Point, * “* Frank Hugo, Syracuse U. Penn., Jack Hulme, Penn State Col., P. J. Morrissey, Lehigh U., Frank Wiechec, Temple, Howard Waite, Pittsburgh U. Maryland Delaware Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina New Jersey, M. Stang, Rutgers, G. H. Bohler, Princeton Washington, Wilbur Bohm, Wash. State Oregon, Bob Officer, Oregon U. Calif., H. Schmidt, Santa Clara, M. Chambers, Southern Calif. er Mike Ryan, U. of Idaho Washington, D. C., Geo. A. Lentz, Geo. Wash. U. Montana, Nasley Rhinehart Wyo. Utah, G. Nelson, Utah State Ag. Col. Arizona Colorado New Mexico, John Dolzadelli South Dakota Nebraska, Ehwyn Dees North Dakota, Harold Naros, Hibbing Col. Minnesota, Lloyd Stein, Minn. Kansas, Nesmith U. of Kansas Oklahoma, Doc Johnston Texas, Leo Dimmitt, Texas A. & M. Iowa, Burl Taylor, Iowa State Mo., I. Hill, Wash. U., Bob Bauman, St. Louis U. Arkansas, Herb Johnson Louisiana, Eddie Wojecki, La. Tech. Wisconsin, Walter Bakke, U. of W., Roz- marynoski, Marquette U. Illinois, Matt Bullock, Tl. Michigan, Raymond V. Roberts, John Hep- pinstall, Mich. St. Col. Indiana, Jim Morris, Butler, Frank Mann, Purdue Roland Bevan, Dartmouth R. I. Brue Jackson, Duquesne Archie Hahn, U. of Va. Perey Quinlan NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINERS ASSOCIATION HOME OFFICE IOWA CITY, IOWA BILE FREY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY-TREASURER EDITOR OF TRAINERS JOURNAL Sunday Dr Forest C Allen pear Fog: This is a reminder to write me th letter that we talked about at Boone.If you could write it and mail it this coming week,before I leave Chicago I could have it in the Sept issue of the Trainers Journal. My address will be 6858 Glenwood Ave in care of the Athletic Journal.The dead line on the Sept issue is August 28. T sure did enjoy your talks at the clinic,wish we could spend more time to-gether every yeare Give my regards to Dean. HIGH SCHOOL TRAINERS PROGRAM - sponsored by N.A.T.A. The High School Trainers Plan sponsored by tho National Athletic Trainers! Association through it's new Trainers! Journal is directed to the four representatives of grades 9-12 to be selccted by the coach for thc purpose of prevent~ ing injury and safe guarding the general health of athletes, permitting sports to make its fullest contribution to the development of our young men with the least possible hurt. In the longer range view the plan with your co-oporation can set up &@ veritable fifth columm of physical fitness. More specifically it can materially aid the coach in his work at no additional moncy cost and at a vast reduction in actual cost in torms of prevention. Incidently it may open up a completely new field of endeavour to students who may wish to continue along that linc and for whom ultimately we expect to have a course for college credite The training lessons will be taken from the pages of the Trainers! Journal and will be studied under the dircction of the team medical supervisor. Bricfly the serics of studies will include, 1. Diet--Excrcises--Protcctive gear for ankles, knees, shoulders, hips, wrists, etc.; every known type of bandasing--Body structure-- treatment of injurics--Hy-dro therapy--Etectro therapy equipment, for overy sport, These studies will not necessarily be in tho order named but in an order designed to sustain the interest of tho students by actually putting bandage into their hands and allowing them to go to work, With this idea in mind, we enthusiastically and. rovorently submit for our first study-The ankle. You!fll be onthusiastic, too, when you've worked with bandage a while and see the rcsults obtainable by skillful usc of it, and youtll considcr this tomperamcntal joint revcrontly, too, when consider that your most valuabl athlete is no stronger han his ankles. Your student trainers will find as they study cach lesson from one month to another that they have been assigned a vory im- portant job. They will be the watch dog of the athictic tcams they serve uncer your's and the mecical supervisor's supcr-= Visions It will be their duty to study each athleto to find out what type of cxercise is best suited to that particular boy. They will check each student in an out cach day on the weight chart., a simple task but one that will tcll the coaches the story-as to whcother the athlete is setting too much ox- ercise or too.littlc, onough slecp or enough food. Tho weight chart is: fundamental like the sterlizing of a surgeons in- struments, It is just one of the trainer's many helpful tasks. Their job will nevcr ond as they will bo callcd upon to visit the injured athletc in his home or quarters if he isin need of « | « troatment that the medical supervisor has o.k. You will find that in some types of injurios the recovery period will be cut in half py Administering three treatments per day in- stead of the usual once We plan to stay on one scction of the body until each student has mastcred it. They must bcocome thoroughly familiar with each and every bone and umscle of the human anatomy s that they may treat the various injurics with a full lkmowledge of the bonc and muscle affocted. We will, also, have many articles written each month for the present college trainers that will be very interesting for you and your student trainers to study in conncetion with the regular lessons, You and your stucent trainocrs might rcad them as they appear and use them as ‘you seo fite Your medical supervisor will be very happy to explain the technical side of any of the subjocts under ciscussione Your physiology or hygiene classes will be stucied with new intensity as they will help the student traincrs to beocone more familiar with the human body with which the lessons are to be concerned. The studont trainers will have, also, the responsibility for: (1) Social Restrictions- Every athlete should realize that certain restrictions must be put on his hours out-side the training schodule,s This includes late hours, drink- ing, smoking and datcse (2) Prophylactic Care- The study of each athlete brings out individual factors that if considered will go a long ways toward preventing injurics and tho following subdivisions applys (a) Examination and records of athlete at the be~ ginning of the training period by a competent physician. (bo) Taping, bandaging, ctc»., applied to {(c) Inspecting of equipment and proper fitting of same, (d) Placing according to physique and mentality» (ce) Continuous records for protection and resacarch as to weight and general physical condition. {3) Emergency Care- Trainers should know about emergency care for many times a physician is not immediately available. (a) Skin abrasions, blisters, boils, ctc» rt (0) Ligamentous injuries. (c) Muscle injuries. (ad). Recognition of organic or brain lesions that require the immediate service of a competent physician or hospitalizations «2 «= (4) Diet- Every trainer should have a good working knowledge of the principles of diet. (5) Exercises- Many that are now used should be cut and, since the athlete is hardened by systematic cx- ercise or work-outs, this is rather an cxact science and varies with the sport. (6) The science of training the athlete to peak form» Earlier we said that the money cost of this program would be small; this cost, of course, will depend on your athletic budget and on your student trainers ingenuity and willingness to work. A great deal of money can be invested in modern up-to-the-minute equipment and training room fixtures but satisfactory results can be obtained by building protective and preventative equipment out of the odds and ends found around the average locker room, To this end the Trainers! Journal will endeavour to contribute in a very real way by describing and picturing home made devices now in usée In the September issue of the Trainers Journal, three suggested medical supply lists will be published in order to coincide with all budgets, nothing will be left to chance. Every step in setting up this new program will be described. Recently the Iowa High School Athletic Association accepted this plan and we quote Mr. Lyle T. Quinn, manager of the I.H.S.A.A. “In order to help meet the problem of re- ducing high school athlotic injuries, we are undertaking to establish a program of student trainers for our high schools with the firm conviction that if this program can be put into operation, as we aro convinced that it can, the number and the severity of injuries can be greatly reduccd." We, The National Athletic Trainers! Association, feel that we are doing our part to decrease the injuries not only in the colleges but in the high schools by sponsoring this program. We are doing the job with the sole object of im- parting the information we have within our organization to the young American athlete so that he may play the game with all he has in him, knowing that if some misfortune overcomes him he will be served with and treated by the best known methods. Our mombership list includes a number of men of the medical profession and we arc always ready anc anxious tO. have them.a part of us. They will find the student trainers a very eager.and intcresting group to instruct. mw Oo | Sen we : In closing, we arc giving you below a regular membership blank to the National Athletic Trainers! Association for your ~“eonvenience. It is advisable for each of your student trainers to become members so that they may keep the group of lessons intact for future use, making a text book out of the lessons at the end of each year. As you will sce from the membership blank, each membcr- ship will entitle you to ten issues of the Athlotic Journal and Trainers! Journal combined. We are always anxious to serve you and your school. Bill ‘Frey, Editor , ee as ec hk OS sven oe me ne nent we aot — on — on wee ee NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINERS! ASSOCIATION Home Office LOWA CITY, IOWA. Bill Frey Executive Secretary-Treasurer Editor of Trainers' Journal / I hereby make application for Associate membership in the National Athletic Trainerst Association. Associate yearly Guess 8668 6 26 4 8 OO. ee Oe 8 Oe 630.50 Year's subscription to the ATHLETIC JOURNAL AND TRAINERS! JOURNAL combined...../31,00 CRIPPS C PTC Tree eee RH as er eee CH He Oe Keer Nee TRMC NRO R TEND OOH dO pee dowoGkbedbaarneed BOROOL DGGE OBB ses vensessere 5 (Street ) i ease i cee (Street ) ee oe. i ti a WGP Tein) WRUNG we Sites Cipeea ke! ALTOS O Diath, 4, Ca)chi oom oi a Nile ew 18)/B SRI Way: Aa NW NS Bee Rie AR al we IR ORIN SH RSN Wie es Rae ew) wg NIE SRE GIES Fe MM HREM A: AMON Re aH RNA ae) SBE e