aio atin Oklae, ‘eth i cibidh Shiny, Gonads Kitten Trainer Nesmith, arxid Players Golay, Harp, Ingleman, Bob Allen, Cordis, Heid, Vern, Hiling, lappeben, Derend, Yiersli, Heghei, Kline, Nees, Sands, Messne ', Masoner and Thompson < _ 19 players, coach and trainer, total 21 in party. | Squad left Dec. 9th, 8:42 Seme Rock Island, pleying two games on Deco ‘9th and 10th, returning Sunday night, Dece lithe Ure and Mrse Reid, Mre and Mrs. Kline, ‘Mr. Corlis and Mrs. Englenen, the parents of the boys, ate after-game meals with the boys after both eamese S Meal, Friday, Diner $21.85 _ Pre=game Meal : : 857 “Prudt, 1490; gum, «753 aftor- oe game meal, 22.69 ? BB eS4 Hotel Stillwater & breakfast 35-72 Special bus, Enid to Stillwater, 65 miles | 26029 Lamch, Sate noon . eye 14.89 Pre«gane Meal 8.84 After=geme Meal, Sate ni ght 26.289 Taxi to game and return, 2 nights (12-60 Hotel Enid, Oklae, Sate night 28277 Breakfast Sule &eMe | 14.97 Noon meal, Pullman Diner | ae | ome Hotel to on Enid — Bel Leyte nme’ : 545 uy 2663 ‘ 3015 4 Total = 3 $270.78 : eee I certify that the above statement is corrects