Oetober 26, 1957 » Hugh MoDermott, University of Cklahoma, nn George Edwards, University of Missouri, Celubla, Ho Mo. Mr. Louis L. Mense, Iowa State College, Anes Mr. Frenk Root, Kansas State College, hcmesiin, Kansas. Dr. Porrest Cc. “allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, EBe bear fellow coaches: I em onclosing the 1987=1936 basketball schedule for all Bix Six schools together with the officials assigned to these S. I have received «a letter accep’ these | @ from all the officials with the exceptions of = ites marked on your schedule. I thought it best to Ske dean. of your quan end the offieiais assignets Mil games and the officials assigned. Will pn et ite the officials concerned in regard to the dates marked “no reply”. Xam sine quelecing @ list of the pasketball officials, their addresses, «nd the total number of 8 assigned in our conference this sesson. I hepe you this record sorrect. Ww. H. Browne Basketball Coach Wniversity of Nebraska WHB: BLB yrs hic oo fsb. a0 v ry ts