October 19, 1937. llr, ‘Pat Mason, Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Pat: I talked to you regarding the game on January 2nd, That happens toe be Sundey, so we will have to call that off, but we could play on Jamary 3 if arrangene nts. - ean be made for the hall, We play “ashburn College | here Ricans 4, and Oklehoma January 7. It would be much better to play on Jamery 1, Saturday night, if the hall could be procured, I ne there will be a "pig dance there and it will be gmch in use on New Year's Eve, but generally on the night of damary 1. there isn’t mech "aoing. ~~ couldn't we arrange it for that night? I have a letter on my desk from a coach of another college who is rather pressing me for the geme, but I much prefer to arrange 2 game in Kansas aay under these conditions, if it can properly be arranged, We er — have two other colleges p lay there as a oa Rockhurst High Sehool and | Wyandatte aes’ ni ght ye We could get the follow- ing by such procedure, we could have the Phillips team and some other outfit play, but I believe the high schools, the like of whieh I cieeaeton would be as well if we did not have to spend too much money. W412 you kindly let me know your reaction? I saw you while you were officiating the lowa State-Kansas game, but did not get down on the field to say “Helio”. It was a nice. game and eve ae quite happy here. I thought you offieials handied the game in good style. Very cordially yours, FCA:AK Director of Physical Education,