Octoder 20, 1937. Mr, A B, Mackie, thle tie sagen te silts Kensas esley ai Vor Selina, Kansas. . Dear Ay Bet : bie nd Mei oa plata co morn am e« L ex: o you the basketball echedule that we have 9! at the present time, with a view toward a er date with you at Salinas mo is a seoure you t vould be e. asure for us to you 8 year we cen find the date, “e have tentative errangements with two teams concerning : Single geme, ‘e have 19 gamos scheduled and we are permitted 20. In case we Go not _Glose vory definitely with sither one of | _ those teams I will bo happy to endeavor to find a date to play at your place. Ian sending you & copy of cur schedule. As soon as the other date is aeeepted or rojected, 7 will pass this ine formation on to Director Henry, who will communicate with you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation,