DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Morningside Callege SIOUX CITY, IOWA J. M, SAUNDERSON R, GLENN ROGERS November 15, 1937 Mr. Forrest €. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen; I am very glad that you have secured Quigley as I think this is the first time our team hés played under him. As most of them have heard of him, I think they will be very much pleased. ¥\ ie Sinderely yours, RY R. G Rogers Basketball Coach RGR: JMD November 12, 1987. Conch Ru Ge Rogers, Horaingside ¢ | Sioux City, Tours Dear Coach Rogers: t senenien: Mink pen Gobh we te ook any officials that we wanted, but we thought the best were none too good, eo we STiCaATa?d Fe Ce Quigley and his (Son, Holnies one He WOK Cie), OF Nee eee tha: Sikh sie bosmeee OF eke Rindnidh an abttahens personality. I trust that these two men are satisfactory. With every good wish, I am BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Eugene Eberhardt Athletic Director, Oregon State Normal University, Ashland—Ore- gon, Washington and Idaho. John Bunn Basketball Coach, Stanford Univer- sity—the Pacific Coast Conference, the states of California and Nevada. Forrest Cox Basketball Coach, University of Colorado, Boulder — the Rocky Mountain Conference and the states of Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. S. M. Clark Athletic Director, New Mexico Nor- mal University, Las Vegas, New Mexico—New Mexico and Arizona. Al Baggett Athletic Director, West Texas Teachers, Canyon, Texas--the South- _— Conference and the state of xas. Henry P. tba Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. & M. University, Stillwater, Okla- homa—the state of Oklahoma and the Missouri Valley Conference. Pat Mason Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri—Missouri R. G. Rogers Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.. W. B. Woodson Athletic Director, State Teachers: College, Conway, Arkansas—Arkana- sas, Louisiana, Mississippi andi Alabama. Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwesterm University, Evanston, Illinois—Big. Ten Conference and states of Wis- consin, Minnesota and Illinois. Roy E. Tillotson Athletic Director, Franklin College Franklin, Indiana—the state of Indiana, A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky— states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- eastern Conference and the 8. I. Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio—Ohio and Michigan. Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. —Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Del- aware and Maryland. Clair F. Bee Athletic Director, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York— New York State and the New Eng- land district. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI E S LISTON oT BA a CHAIRMAN October 13, 1937 Mr. Forrest ©. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We are very glad that the game has been definitely set for December 15. The $75 guarantee will be satisfact- ory. We will leave the matter of select- ing officials to your judgment. Sincerely yours, Basketball Coach RGR: JMD October 11, 1937. Coach KR, G, F "Ss Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa. Dear Coach Rogers: We will be very happy to play you on Decenber, ‘a5, at 7350 Pelle, at Lawrence, Kansas. We will pay you @ puentes of $75.00, . Upon acknowledged receipt this in the effirn- ative we will send you contract of same, With every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, -FGASAH ‘Director of Physical Education. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Eugene Eberhardt Athletic Director, Oregon State Normal University, Ashland—Ore- gon, Washington and Idaho. John Bunn Basketball Coach, Stanford Univer- sity—the Pacifie Coast Conference, the states of California and Nevada. Forrest Cox Basketball Coach, University of Colorado, Boulder — the Rocky Mountain Conference and the states of Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. S. M. Clark Athletic Director, New Mexico Nor- mal University, Las Vegas, New Mexico—New Mexico and Arizona. Al Baggett Athletic Director, West Texas Teachers, Canyon, Texas--the South- = Conference and the state of ‘exas. Henry P. tha Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. & M. University, Stillwater, Okla- homa—the state of Oklahoma and the Missouri Valley Conference. Pat Mason Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri—Missouri and Kansas. R. G. Rogers Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- ~ lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. W. B. Woodson Athletic Director, State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas—Arkana- sas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois—Big Ten Conference and states of Wis- eonsin, Minnesota and Illinois. Roy E. Tillotson Athletic Director, Franklin College Franklin, Indiana—the state of Indiana, A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky— states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- _ Conference and the 8S. I. Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio—Ohio and Michigan. Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. —Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Del- aware and Maryland. Clair F. Bee Athletic Director, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York— New York State and the New Eng- land district. NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE 2 BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT MARCH 7-12, 1938 | MUNICIPAL 2 KANSAS CITY, AUDITORIUM MISSOURI E S. LISTON ee ee ee BA a October 7, 1937 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas pear Mr. Allen; December 15, date, will be satisfactory for us. We will play Baker University then on December 16. Let me know definitely in regard to your date and then we will consider the game settlec. _— yours Be R. G Rogers Basketball Coach JMS: IMD: i alt as Sa i a le ea Na ie aa Nl typ ee ee ‘. — ocean te i sin Dai ae cle Aa SiS NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT TERE PETTITT SER BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Eugene Eberhardt Athletic Director, Oregon State Normal University, Ashland—0Ore- gon, Washington and Idaho. John Bunn Basketball Coach, Stanford Univer- sity—the Pacific Coast Conference, the states of California and Nevada. Forrest Cox Basketball Coach, University of Colorado, Boulder — the Rocky Mountain Conference and the states of Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. S. M. Clark Athletic Director, New Mexico Nor- mal University, Las Vegas, New Mexico—New Mexico and Arizona. Al Baggett Athletic Director, West Texas Teachers, Canyon, Texas--the South- hs Conference and the state of exas, Henry P. tba Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. & M. University, Stillwater, Okla- homa—the state of Oklahoma and the Missouri Valley Conference. Pat Mason Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, Kansas_ City, Missouri and Kansas. R. G. Rogers Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. W. B. Woodson Athletic Director, State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas—Arkana- sas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois—Big Ten Conference and states of Wis- consin, Minnesota and Illinois. Roy E. Tillotson Athletic Director, Franklin College Franklin, Indiana—the state of Indiana. A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky— states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- _ Conference and the 8S. I. Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio—Ohio and Michigan. Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. —Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Del- aware and Maryland. Clair F. Bee Athletic Director, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York— New York State and the New Eng- land district. MARCH 7-12, 1938 MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI E S. LISTON ce ee BA Gas ERSITY, October 4, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: We are happy to know that you placed us on your tenative schedule for December 16. We hope that you will be able to adjust your schedule to play us on that date. We usually play for a guarante of $75 or $100 but we will come for the usual guarante you pay for such pre-season games. When you know definitly regarding the date, we will appreciate hearing from you. With best wishes, I am, os Re Coach R. G. . maf RGR: JMD his schedule of ba Octeber 5, 1957. Wr, Kk, &, Rogers, | Basketball Goach, Sionz City, Iowa, Dear Mr, Rogers: : This morning I talked to Goach Dee oe oe of “Vashburn gg at ae ae and Loar that it is i ei for hin change suateall FAMos, | - We play Southwestern Colleges here on December 14, and Washburn at Topeka on tho 16th, so thet leaves December 15 the only date on whieh we could play Horningside. Would 4t be possthle for you te plsy us here on the 15th? I shall be glad te hear from you at an early date, 3 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education. September 29, 19S7. ir, R, G, Rogers, Basketbell Coach, Horningside College, Sioux City, Towa, Dear ure Rozers? Thank you | die Hole Kink Seite at Septeuber 87 regarding « gine here on Decouber We hed arranged to ay Yashburn College at Topeka on aha a date, velieve we may able to shift that game to a later date. We are plec Morningside College on our calendar soueitaaee tas Decenber 16, What sort of 2 guarantee éo propose? Please use your pencil lightly! I assure you it will be « pleesurs to mect your team in a game this wintor. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, AH | Director of Physical Education, BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Eugene Eberhardt Athletic Director, Oregon State Normal io ts Ashland—Ore- gon, Washington and Idaho. John Bunn Basketball Coach, Stanford Univer- sity—the Pacific Coast Conference, the states of California and Nevada. Forrest Cox Basketball Coach, University of Colorado, Boulder — the Rocky Mountain Conference and the states of Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. S. M. Clark Athletic Director, New Mexico Nor- mal University, Las Vegas, New Mexico—New Mexico and Arizona. Al Baggett Athletic Director, West Texas Teachers, Canyon, Texas--the South- a Conference and the state of exas. _ Henry P. tba Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. & M. University, Stillwater, Okla- homa—the state of Oklahoma and the Missouri Valley Conference. Pat Mason Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri—Missourk and Kansas. R. G. Rogers Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North andi South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.. W. B. Woodson Athletic Director, State Teache! College, Conway, Arkansas—Arkana- sas, Louisiana, Mississippi andi Alabama. Arthur ‘‘Dutch” Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ilinois—Big. Ten Conference and states of Wis- consin, Minnesota and Illinois. Roy E. Tillotson Athletic Director, Franklin College Franklin, Indiana—the state of Indiana. A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky— states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- eastern Conference and the S. I. Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio—Ohio and Michigan. Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. —Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Del- aware and Maryland. Clair F. Bee Athletic Director, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York— New York State and the New Eng- NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE 4 BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT MARCH 7-Ie, 1938 “4 MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI E S. LISTON en ag BA a September 27, 1937 Forrest C. Allen | Dept. Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir; I have tenatively agreed to play Baker University December 15. I would like very much to play Kansas December 16. We have not heard from Ottawa but will be able to play some other team in the vicinity if we can sehedule a game with Kansas University. If it will be possible for you to play us, we will appreciate it very much as our boys have looked forward to a game with you. I would appreciate hearing from you, and hope that we can get together on a game. Sincerely yours, ih pacietS \. “onal R. G Rogers Basketball Coach RGR: JD NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT MARCH 7-12, 1938 | MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM & KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI ’ Y, E. S. LISTON a ~~ ee ag! CAT BS ye BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Eugene Eberhardt Scud tepeke, Geeiaen September 23, 1937 gon, Washington and Idaho. John Bunn Basketball Coach, Stanford Univer- sity—the Pacific Coast Conference, _ states of California and x levada. Seiiah ‘eu - Goach Dr. Forrest Allen ca sets To See mee revel ty Mountain Conference and the states Lawrence ; Kansas . Ricco Wyoming, Montana and S. M. Clark a» k Allen: Athletic Director, New Mexico Nor- Dear Mr. Al 3 mal University, Las Vegas, New a I just received a letter from dir, Liston of Baker Athletic Director, West Texas “university saying that he would like to play us on west Conferene’ and the state December 15 and I am wondering if you are attempting to a finish your schedule at this time. Henry P, tha Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. Gust eae Baten as Would appreciate hearing from you if it would be re hipaa cope possible for you to have a game with us somewhere Pat Mason Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, near December 15. a City, Missouri—Missouri : >. Sn best wishes Ve et o=— Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- With g ’ af oe lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North and j 5 South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. I am cae W. B. Woodson = — a —_ —— ege, nway, ‘ansas—Arkana- ° sas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Sincerely yours, abama. Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ilinois—Big Ten Conference and states of Wis- consin, Minnesota and Illinois. vidas tee: Franklin College R. G. Rogers — As'st Athletic Director A. F. Rupp B : ; conte, tamale taete RGR: JD states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- + ag Conference and the 8. I. Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio—QOhio and Michigan, Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. —Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Del- aware and Maryland. Clair F. Bee Athletic Director, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York— New York State and the New Eng- land district. SER CORI RIE et BBB PTE ao ON ali ile tin September 24, 1937. Np, R. G, Rogers , Assistant Athletie Director, Morningside College, Sioux i ; 2 Towa, Dear Rogers? I have been absorbed in so many deteils concerning enroliment and getting the new department of hg spiyi Edueation under way that I heve not had time to answer your letter. Have you heard from Baker or Ottawa re- garéing the possible trip dewn this way? Our tentae tive cates are as follows: Dec. 6, Deane College, et Larrence — Dec. 7, Ottawa University, at Levrence Dee, 10, Ottawa University, at Ittewa Dec, 14, Southwestern College, at hLewrente Dees 16, 17, or 18, Washburn bollege, at Topeka fe a Bes B35 Southwestern College, at Winfield Dec, 29, Drake University, at Des Moines Jan, $-op 4, Washburn College, at Lawrence. I do not see how we can get 2 game in, but i gr lechae something lined up with Baker and — Ottawa I am sure we will to squeeze 1t in for you, Let me know what. dates you have, ané I will reply promptly. i want to thank you for the very kiné — words that you have to say regarding ‘the er the | . feculty et ag in the coaching school at Ckoboji. I also th you for the stationery. | ily kindest regerds to Coach Saunierson, ard the rest of the Morningside group. ; Sincerely yours, | ‘ FOASAR _ Direetor of Physical Education, DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE SIOUX CITY, IOWA isn > J. M. SAUNDERSON Augus t ae ’ 1937 R. GLENN ROGERS Dr. Forrest Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen; As you suggested I am attempting to line up a trip through Kansas so we can play the 17th or 18th of December. If we were to play Kansas University, what date would you prefer to have us? We would be glad to have you come back to Sioux City the follow- ing year if you would care to. I am also writing Baker University and Ottawa College. I am very sorry that you could not stay for the stag Saturday night due to your father's death. I believe that this year's school was the best that we have hac so fars We could hear nothing but praise for all members of the faculty and trust that we can have you back again sometime in the future. I am enclosing a couple of sheets of our Coaching School stationery which Coach Saunderson said that you would appreciate having for your correspondence. I regret that this is all that we have, but pessibly two sheets will be satisfactory. ; Sincerely yours, AA RGR:met — Rh 6; Rogers Assistant Athletic ENC. Director Morningside Coaching School “The Best Location of all Coaching Schools’’---D. X. Bible SPIRIT LAKE, IOWA — Director — STAFF J. M. SAUNDERSON Morningside College Sioux City, Iowa NOBLE KIZER Purdue FORREST ALLEN Kansas FRANK LEAHY Fordham “BUCK” STARBECK Iowa State Teachers LESTER DUKE Grinnell RED MACKAY Purdue HOWARD WOOD Sioux Falls H. S. FRED COOPER Fort Dodge H. S. LESLIE DAVIS East, Sioux City ‘HURON, S. D., AND MELROSE, IOWA ---- BASKET BALL STATE CHAMPIONS OThv IOWA GREAT LAKES Spirit | lake The Okoboyis = “The Playground- of the Great. Central West 2 es EstHeevi.e 1577. SPIRIT LAKE BEACON SPIRIT LAKE, IOWA i RE 5 ARREST DN EAN PRAEGER 3 NITRA 9 7 2 TNR TEEN REY a ATRYN 8 ANCE ASNT EER IRS ARNE IT NTR SN A TYR RST RET RSE SPE ET ARAYA PETE IAT ER oe ; Mr. Roy Holliday, 4@421N, 22nd 8t., Kansas City, Kansas, Dear Roy: We are planning a game on Jamary 7 between the ever-victorious er of 1935 and the frosh. ‘We will play Oklahoma that night the first game, and after that game the '35 outfit will take on the frosh, That game falls on Friday night. I am not sure whether your law sehool classes meet that evening or not, but if so don't miss school for a ball game, as it is not that important. However, if you are not busy of ceurse we would be happy to have you with — the gang to endeavor to tread on the freshe men's toes, I will be happy te hear from / gee Wath every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, ve il i i ee i aely 23) it He tai | Ha 3 ats if i Ha i i apt i iH rer HG October 15, 1937. a f° Healey Motors, Salina, Kansas, Dear Ray: | I have just written a letter to the rambling wrecks of 1955. This, of course will go forward in the epistle that I eam now éie- tating to you, so you will be advised when these athletes of the vintage of a previous college generation desire to play. ; : It was good to hear from you, and I em happy to know that you are going to be in Kansas City after the 20th of October. You try to stall the Healey Motors off of the 7th of January, Priday night, will you please? Bud Shaffer says the bankers wili let him off any time. I don't know what John D, Rockefeller, Jr., will do about Mit, but I think he canarrange it | if he knows far enough ahead of time. Don't worry about being sicinny | as a rail, Wait until you get to be about f ° Your equatorial diameter will be different then I certainly will remember you to Mrs. Webster and Earl Falkenstien, With every good wish, I am Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Healey Motors est in the World 227 NO. SANTA FE SALINA PHONE 434 KANSAS October 12,1937. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Educstion Kensas University Dear "Doc" Received your letter some tim > ago, but heve held off answering because «s yet I haven't been able to eeu hoid of our scedule for the coming season, As you understand the date Tit a eaving Salina for Kansas City the t Z 41m month where 1 shall work during season. Our first practice is the eoth of October. +f you have heard from the rest of the fellows end have an ides of when they can make it, will you please let | me know and then I will have something more definite a 4. You referred to extended waiste lines in your letter and 1 must say that as yet I haven't been fortunate enough to ex- tend mine as much as I would like too. I'm skinny as a rail even if I do keep my weight up. I sincerely hope that this finds you and your family well. Bive my regards to Mrs. Webster snd Reulkenstein. Hoping to hege from you soom, I remain Sincerely hes fey, Fett. "MAKE THE HOME BANK YOUR BANKING HOME” eR = ‘ OF FICERS anv DIRECTORS 83 1299 CARL ANSCHUTZ, PRESIDENT H.A.FINK, Vice PRESIDENT C.W.SHAF FER, CasHierR FRED J.SMITH, Asst. CasHieR BERTHA M.FINK,Asst. CASHIER LEAL ANSCHUTZ,Asst. CASHIER JERRY E.DRISCOLL HARRY E.SMITH DEAN S.LANDON HENRY FOSE ! October 6th, 1937 Dr. F. Ce Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Friend Doe: Just a line to let you know that I would like very much to take part in any Basketball game that you might arrange between the victorious team of 1936 and the frosh squad of this year. You need not worry about a suitable date as far as I am concerned as I can get away at any time. Just let me know and I will be there. Perhaps Mit and I ean arrange to come together. | Hoping to see you soon, Irremain Sincerely yours, bho PR deff lir, Francis Ka : My. Fred Pralle s 1125 Vermont s 1111 ¥, lith St, Lawrence » Kansas Lawrente, Kansas’ lip alton A My Noble 1063 , Healy > eee Co., Mest eit Salina, Kansas Mae, ib: Myr, Paul Rogers, a Siren Bartlesville, Okla, — Lawrence, Kansas liy, “Zlmer Shaffer v Sugsell, Kensas, Dear Brothers of the Sver-Victorious Clans It seoms as if information is -_ ew parts to the effect that Kansas has in captivi swety Rinele group Gf young frecten seehenielens he exn toss the the casaba around with much skill and dexterity. Somehow the impression is also current toh Rabies eee tok 6 of indoor Galahads whe crushed all ef the conference tion before them on & certain yoare Some bright wit thought 1 might be "good idea to assemble the cohorts of the year] —e Sad ails choun Galak Shue Ae ankended euamiaen you notice I Gidn't mention bulging chests), and match these two outfits oe ee ey Seme 4 et this time is to get you I trust that the world is kind to you and will continue to be 90. With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, October 8, 1937. Philitos Petroleum Coe, Bartlesville, OkLa . Dear Ray: thanks for your letter of October Sth, I think the Oklshoma game would be & fine time to have the game with the Ever-Victorious team against the fresh- MON. | . I have not heard fron all the boys but I shall hold Jamaary 7 tentative. y ig Bo your GAM» We are amidase: on a re frosh gem on December ae. ’ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, © inn Bartieswiune, OkvanomMa. October 5 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: I have been out of town for the past few days attending some tax meetings and I returned to find your letter of Sept- enver 30, waiting for me at the office. I feel fortunate in being a member of the Ever- Victorious Clan, and because I am a member I still think that we are unbeatable. I'11 admit our waistlines have increased, but you'd better warn the new frosh--we are still plenty tough. Our basketball schedule has been drawn up making it very difficult for me to tie in with yours plans. It seems that your opening conference game with Oklahoma on January 7 is the only date that will work out for me. I take it that you want us to play after a conference game, and therefore, I have not suggested any other dates, with reference to non-conference tilts. If the said date does not work out please let me know and maybe we can make other arrangements. I'm hoping that we all can get together once again. It will be so much fun to play another game with the old team, let alone having the honor again to play under and for the Worlds Greatest Coach. I saw the pictures we took in Kansas City and they seemed rather good. I hope that every one will benefit by them as much as the people who made them really think. Hoping to hear from you soon and that our arrangements will work out, I remain Sincerely yours, ‘ or FDL/RCE R/C. Eb